Figured I'd help get the pics started

Thanks for the kind words guys. Was more of a lurker on the other site and learned so much from the guys on there. This spot is nothing more than red clover and rye. Trying to improve the soil. It has been planted in buckwheat before to be lightly disced in as green manure. This will disced back in as well. It has quite a few weeds in it but none I would consider bad weeds. The deer seem to enjoy the vertical cover from the weeds and rye and use it freely feeling hidden and secure. And you just never know who might show up to socialize. I have two pics of that big boy like this, always in the background being camera shy.711 (11).JPG
I would give that first buck a truck ride to the taxidermist.
As would most other hunters!
Thanks for sharing
I would give that first buck a truck ride to the taxidermist.
As would most other hunters!
Thanks for sharing
WBP I have lots of pics of that guy. I really don't believe he's that old. I would love to see him in two to three years. You talk about a monster. But I only have 40 acres surrounded by guys who shoot anything. And I'm in the infancy stage of my habitat development. This farm was used as cattle pasture and haying. They cut out almost every tree they could. So far we've planted over 100 oaks, mainly hybrids, a couple dozen chestnuts and over 1000 shrubs. Including four types of dogwoods, tons of elderberry, nannyberry, aronia berry (chokeberry), arrowwood, hybrid willow, etc. But this year the heat and drought has been hard on our plantings. We've lost a lot of them. Also have planted over 100 fruit trees. All of it based on things I learned from guys such as yourself selflessly sharing your knowledge on the other forum. Been thinking of starting a habitat thread but not sure I have that much to share.
Lost Arrows,

Start the habitat thread because 1) you have more to share than you think and 2) the generous folks on here will help you see things differently based upon their experience. Mistakes they made will be shared to help you avoid them.
Now I am not good at habitat thread feedback - but there is a brain trust on here that are outstanding at helping with this. Just be humble enough to ask them for help & they will improve your approach. It is all about experience IMHO.
Go for it - you will be glad you did.
Keep them fed well, the girls on my place will be waiting for them to show up this fall. Checked my cams this morning looks like I'm going to have to call Browning.
Keep them fed well, the girls on my place will be waiting for them to show up this fall. Checked my cams this morning looks like I'm going to have to call Browning.
About time you showed up. You I don't worry about, I know you won't shoot any young up and comers. Sorry about your new cam. I bet they make it right though.