Feeling disgusted

Finally made it to the cabin for archery. Monday had plenty of movement in the morning. At 1:22 pm had a very nice big 8 come in to check a scape that a spikey has worked over an hour before. Had a perfect broadside 15 yard shot. I thought it was a done deal. He had no clue I was there. Let the arrow rip and see it hit high. Like above the lungs but below the spine. The arrow only went in like 10-12". Seen the rest sticking out of and he snapped it off as he turned an ran through some saplings. So after about 20mimutes, I got down and went over to where I shot. No blood. Picked up my tail end of the arrow, no blood. So I headed down to camp and gave it 2 hrs. 3 of us came back up to trail what we could. After several hours of nothing, we started back again and went through everywhere we could. Nothing. I hope that he can make it. I know it's part of hunting but as we all know it sucks when it happens.
That's the tough luck. Load up and get ready to draw again. I can better remember the ones I did not find. Frustrating
That right there is the absolute worst feeling in the world. But it happens to every bowhunter at one time in their lives, at least the buck will most likely live and the only thing you can do it get back out there and redeem yourself!
Sorry this happened. It has happened to me a few times too.

A friend had the same thing with a high hit happen many years ago. Later that same season he shot the buck during gun season. The arrow was lodged in a rib high in the body cavity above the organs and below the spine.
Sorry this happened. It has happened to me a few times too.

A friend had the same thing with a high hit happen many years ago. Later that same season he shot the buck during gun season. The arrow was lodged in a rib high in the body cavity above the organs and below the spine.
That's what I'm thinking happened. I couldn't believe my arrow didn't blow right through him. He looked to be very healthy and all jacked up to find doe, so hopefully he'll have the energy to heel
Theres a "bermuda triangle" high in the chest. Ive launched an arrow in there before. Usually theres blood up to 100 yards, depending on how hard the deer runs.
Keep hunting and hope to see him again.
It happened. It's happened to me. You can't help but beat yourself up a little bit. Shake it off. Give yourself a penance of practice.
Hopefully this story will make you feel better...

In August 2014 I started seeing a deer I had labeled my number 1 hit lister buck on our property...


I hunted this deer pretty hard and finally had my opportunity with my bow on Veterans Day 2014 when he followed a doe past my stand. I drew on him when he was broadside at 20 yards and had to shoot over a small branch to get into the vitals. I ended up brushing the branch and to my horror the arrow kicked high and hit him high behind the front leg and my arrow stuck tight directly through the deer and he ran out of my life forever...or so I thought...

Thanksgiving day I was hunting our property just hoping for a decent buck since the day before my wife had killed the only really great buck I thought was left using our place...


I was sitting there and had passed a pretty decent 3 1/2 yr old when I saw a buck sneaking along the brush line directly behind my tree about 70 yards and by the time I got turned he was already out of sight.

I was sitting there hoping something else would come along when I heard something running my way coming from behind me and passing on my right. It was a doe being chased by the 3 1/2 yr old and a buck I was very happy to see! I put the crosshairs on him and at the shot he only went a few yards and down he went...


In these photos you can see his wounds from my arrow a couple weeks before!



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I was really hoping to see him today sniffing doe. But no luck. Out of all the deer I seen yesterday, seen one spike today. Wind was horrible.
He more hole-up and lay low for a few days. You may see him soon, but it may be a week or several before you see him again. All you can do is remain positive and hope luck is on your side.
Theres a "bermuda triangle" high in the chest. Ive launched an arrow in there before. Usually theres blood up to 100 yards, depending on how hard the deer runs.
Keep hunting and hope to see him again.
This happened to me last bow season. I had a beauty 9point walk to ten yards. I hit him high complete pass through and we tracked him for nearly a mile before we ran out of blood. He was shot during gun season two weeks later by a neighbor of mine.

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