Finally made it to the cabin for archery. Monday had plenty of movement in the morning. At 1:22 pm had a very nice big 8 come in to check a scape that a spikey has worked over an hour before. Had a perfect broadside 15 yard shot. I thought it was a done deal. He had no clue I was there. Let the arrow rip and see it hit high. Like above the lungs but below the spine. The arrow only went in like 10-12". Seen the rest sticking out of and he snapped it off as he turned an ran through some saplings. So after about 20mimutes, I got down and went over to where I shot. No blood. Picked up my tail end of the arrow, no blood. So I headed down to camp and gave it 2 hrs. 3 of us came back up to trail what we could. After several hours of nothing, we started back again and went through everywhere we could. Nothing. I hope that he can make it. I know it's part of hunting but as we all know it sucks when it happens.