I know Sawtooth oaks have fallen out of favor over the last few years, but they are still my favorite wildlife trees. Reliable, prolific producers and my deer absolutely love them.
Mine are loaded this year. I lucked out and have late dropping ones.
Chestnuts are a different story this year. Some have smaller than usual nuts and some burrs look like they may be empty. I picked up some of the early droppers this last weekend.
It’s raining red and white acorns here. Looks like a significantly above average year for them. Great year for apples too. Interestingly, berries are way below average this year.
Fall's pre-getting here was marked by shotguns a blasting yesterday AM as the local neighborhood began to fill their freezers with local geese on the pond. The daily limit during this early " nuisance"season is 15 per person. NY for waterfowl shooting has no minimum footage from cottages/houses laws if shotgun shooting over the water here so some of the shooting is quite close and if one isn't awake predawn it wakes one up quickly. Meanwhile scattered early bird salmon fisherman can be seen in the streams and as noted early acorns have begun to drop. And the morning temperatures feel quite brisk although soon enough forty-eight to fifty degrees will feel quite warm. We are not in a rush for fall and are still holding on to the last days of summer as once the deer season kicks in, it lasts plenty long enough.