I have used the eagle seed forage beans and like them but haven't used many of their other food plot mixes. Has anyone had any experience with their broadside or fall smorgasbord mix?
Smorgasbord Fall Blend
Our newest fall blend. Smorgasbord contains Eagle's varieties of protein-packed radishes, rape seed, kale, and collards, along with high tonnage Balansa clover, quick growing berseem, and early spring growing crimson clover. All these ingredients are rounded out by high tonnage oats, wheat, and rye to carry your deer into the next spring and summer. Plant one 50 lb bag per acre.
Smorgasbord Fall Blend
Our newest fall blend. Smorgasbord contains Eagle's varieties of protein-packed radishes, rape seed, kale, and collards, along with high tonnage Balansa clover, quick growing berseem, and early spring growing crimson clover. All these ingredients are rounded out by high tonnage oats, wheat, and rye to carry your deer into the next spring and summer. Plant one 50 lb bag per acre.