Anyone interested? It's THIS time of the year again (well, actually about 10 days early, and some of the plants are absolutely LOADED with clusters of up to 13 acorns this year)
We collected some dwarf chinkapin oak acorns (DCO) in southeastern Nebraska (zone 5) within the last few days.
Our price:
1/2 lb. (approximately 90-100 acorns) for $ 10.00 + $ 6.80 shipping (USPS priority mail)
1 lb. (approximately 180-200 acorns) for $ 20.00 + $ 6.80 shipping (USPS priority mail)
Min. order: 1/2 lb.
Shipping days: Monday-Wednesday (the first shipments will be sent out Tuesday, August 30, 2016)
Payment: by check
If interested, please send an email to and include your address.
Thank you very much.
Troy and Sabine