Were currently managing 61 acres in West Central Georgia. Surrounded by three landowners that own 1,000 acres and greater. These neighbors surround us in a triangle to the East, South and West. Land breaks down to roughly 60% open pines in 40-50 basal acres. 25% old fields and 15% hardwoods.
Our immediate neighbors have clearcut their properties and built houses on 45-55 acre lots.
So far we’ve burned our NSWG fields, burned the open pines and left the creek bottoms for now. Planted 2.5 acres of food plots and done some TSI work to the hardwood ridges. We now currently have the best habitat and food in the nearby area, which is pulling a lot more deer in.
A Biologist advised in 2020 to kill 6-10 does if our neighbors didn’t shoot any (they didn’t). So far between 2020-2022 we’ve killed 11 deer off of the property. Most have been mature does and 2 mature bucks (4.5 and 6.5).
I’m still seeing 10+ does hitting my food plots on my trail cameras. My record was 17 does in one food plot at one time during a January hunt.
So with the information provided, what would you do? Continue killing piles of does or accept that on 61 acres you aren’t controlling deer numbers and hunt/plant larger food plots accordingly?
Our immediate neighbors have clearcut their properties and built houses on 45-55 acre lots.
So far we’ve burned our NSWG fields, burned the open pines and left the creek bottoms for now. Planted 2.5 acres of food plots and done some TSI work to the hardwood ridges. We now currently have the best habitat and food in the nearby area, which is pulling a lot more deer in.
A Biologist advised in 2020 to kill 6-10 does if our neighbors didn’t shoot any (they didn’t). So far between 2020-2022 we’ve killed 11 deer off of the property. Most have been mature does and 2 mature bucks (4.5 and 6.5).
I’m still seeing 10+ does hitting my food plots on my trail cameras. My record was 17 does in one food plot at one time during a January hunt.
So with the information provided, what would you do? Continue killing piles of does or accept that on 61 acres you aren’t controlling deer numbers and hunt/plant larger food plots accordingly?