CVA optima v2 loads


Active Member
Just got the gun today as birthday/Christmas present. Anybody got a favorite load. Don't plan to shoot more than 100 grains but not set on pellets or powder or boolets.
In my Austin&Halleck and my Encore, I have had good luck with Powerbelt bullets and two 50 gr. pellets. Never had much accuracy with the pistol bullets and sabots.
Does 100gr provide pass thru exit hole ??
I have only shot does in a late antlerless season with mine. No pass through every time, but DRT or within sight every time.

If I were serious about muzzle loading hunting, I would experiment with two or three different loose powders and get in the 100 to 120 gr. range for powder charges to start.
Just wondering. Used 150 gr on my KS hunt last year. Killed 275# buck that ran 100 yds out of field, just no blood trail for night tracking
Just wondering. Used 150 gr on my KS hunt last year. Killed 275# buck that ran 100 yds out of field, just no blood trail for night tracking
I found that the Powerbelt bullet, which was very accurate in my Austin&Halleck, would often break into three pieces when shooting three 50 gr pellets. Still deadly, but didn't give an exit hole unless the deer was really broadside where only a rib would be hit. I probably only ever killed 5 or 6 deer with black powder, so it's really not a big sample, and most of these Texas does won't weigh 125 lb on the hoof. I did see all of them fall however, so recovery was not a problem. On deer as big as midwest bucks, muley, and certainly elk, I would have to go with something like a Barnes even if it weren't quite as accurate. You could probably get the accuracy too though, if you experimented with different charges of loose powder. I used the pellets because they are easy and the target wasn't very tough.
U just confirmed my suspensions.
I too used Tha power belt bullet, but will now pattern the barnes @ range next month. Going to KY in Oct for combo Xbow/BP hunt.
Where do ya hunt mostly ?
I have hunted from South Texas to Montana, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming. These days, mostly around home in East Texas, but I generally hunt antelope each year in Wyoming. Getting pretty old now, so this year's trip to Wyo. may be my last. Lately, I've been thinking more about an annual exotic hunt, mostly for the experience and the meat, so a friend ( and two of his friends ) from Miss. and I are going in March to a bow hunting only place in Central Texas. High fence ain't usually my style, but WTH, it's just to hunt with friends and put an axis doe in the freezer. I might be running low on venison by then, and axis is about the best I've ever eaten.

Ky is a good choice from what I've read. Some really good deer there. Good luck on your hunt !
Leaning towards 250 Hornady sabots and trip7 pellets to try out this weekend. If that doesn't work will maybe try the same sabot with some buckhorn and see if I can come up with a good combo.
I'll follow KY w/ OH, ND, IL, & TX.
Between Christmas & Feb 10 I'll be at AL deer camp. We're probably pine tree neighbors, as I'm in NW LA.
I'm a real believer in Barnes 250g bullets with 3 pellets. Two never shot as well, and for longer range, the trajectory difference was significant. I've shot mule deer, elk and antelope out to 211yds--and always got a pass through. Two different Knight rifles would shoot them <11/2". Only bullet I ever saw recovered was a big muley shot at 300yds by a buddy (it had lost too much velocity to expand). It was DRT.
I shoot 295 grain Powerbelt Aerotip Copper with 100 grains of Blackhorn 209 powder and Winchester 209 primers. I tried another primer, maybe CCI and it wasn't hot enough. In CVA muzzle loader.
I'll follow KY w/ OH, ND, IL, & TX.
Between Christmas & Feb 10 I'll be at AL deer camp. We're probably pine tree neighbors, as I'm in NW LA.
You are definitely gonna do some traveling ! And yes, we are pretty close together. I'm only a couple hours drive from La.