

Well-Known Member
I had this posted on qdma. This works great for me and it wasn't too bad in cost. I used my old Jeep tow bar.


Did it in 4 sections to keep it workable, also it turns on a dime like this



This is a must





I admire your cultipacker build. This is exactly the type of post that helps people - well illustrated and gives others the motivation to try.

I have a 4 ft cultipacker that I purchased. At first I thought it was too little but it allows me to get into a field sooner because the 4 wheeler and it don't struggle in damp ground. It is highly maneuverable too.
Thanks for sharing.
What did you actually use for your axle? I have a galvanized pipe, but yours appears to run solid.

This is by far the best plastic drain pipe cultipacker build I have ever seen. I especially like the "built in 4 sections" aspect and the groove cleaners......very well thought out.

I assume you filled the drain pipe with cement?? How did you make certain that the cement completely filled the ridges in the pipe?? I always figured any hollow areas in the ridges would eventually break out.

I briefly worked for a company that did refractory work and we used concrete vibrators to assure that the refractory material completely filled all areas of the vessel, but I doubt most folks have access to a concrete vibrator??

This is by far the best plastic drain pipe cultipacker build I have ever seen. I especially like the "built in 4 sections" aspect and the groove cleaners......very well thought out.

I assume you filled the drain pipe with cement?? How did you make certain that the cement completely filled the ridges in the pipe?? I always figured any hollow areas in the ridges would eventually break out.

I briefly worked for a company that did refractory work and we used concrete vibrators to assure that the refractory material completely filled all areas of the vessel, but I doubt most folks have access to a concrete vibrator??
In mine I made the concrete a little on the loose side and just tapped it with a hammer but I made mine 4ft solid. I didn't have access to a welder at the time but my bolt togther frame is getting the job done.
I used larger pipe in the small sections with bolts welded to them so they wouldn't spin. The inside of this pipe was smooth. So no worries about the cement filling the ridges. The pipe in the sections acted as a sleeve for the solid rod. I'll dig up more pics tonight

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Are you saying the inside of the plastic pipe is smooth? Are the ridges hollow?? If so, how long do you think it will last before the plastic in the hollow ridges breaks and comes apart?

I have an old cultipacker with hollow cast iron wheels and I have one broken wheel due to rocks........can't imagine a hollow plastic ridge would last even one year on my ground.
Are you saying the inside of the plastic pipe is smooth? Are the ridges hollow?? If so, how long do you think it will last before the plastic in the hollow ridges breaks and comes apart?

I have an old cultipacker with hollow cast iron wheels and I have one broken wheel due to rocks........can't imagine a hollow plastic ridge would last even one year on my ground.
Yes, its double walled and very strong. been using it for a few years without a single issue. I don't drag race with it.
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Glad it works for you, as I said earlier, it is the most well thought out packer of it's kind that I have seen.
2016-07-01 23.22.09.jpg
Are you saying the inside of the plastic pipe is smooth? Are the ridges hollow?? If so, how long do you think it will last before the plastic in the hollow ridges breaks and comes apart?

I have an old cultipacker with hollow cast iron wheels and I have one broken wheel due to rocks........can't imagine a hollow plastic ridge would last even one year on my ground.

I bought the single wall culvert because I figure there is no point in having double wall with it concrete. Obviously there is no 100% way to know the ridges are full, but they all sound full and I made my concrete loose enough to fill. Here is mine.