

Although I wanted to avoid it, I became involved in a discussion on crossbows. So, some background. For many years, I was an adamant opponent of crossbows-even for the disabled. I spoke in front of the Commission, testifying against the legalization of them in TN.
Then, I did some research and shot one.
I realized, I was wrong...badly wrong. And then, 12-years ago, I became forced with a decision. Get a crossbow or quit hunting during bow season. You see, it is impossible for me to ever shoot a vertical bow again. Injuries and shooting over 100X a day, testing and evaluating bows, has left me about 45% use of my right arm. I decided to get a crossbow. I have been shooting various ones, since then. I will not name brands.
Here is what I know to be fact:
1-For the hunter who has been shooting a vertical bow, they are a handicap.
2-I am no more accurate nor can I shoot any farther with a crossbow than with a compound.
3-You do not need to practice much with crossbow.
4- You do not have to draw a crossbow.
5--You cannot shoot behind you in most cases, with a crossbow.
6- Crossbows are heavy, loud and bulky.
7- Crossbows are not the end of hunting.
8- Yes, you can kill a deer at 100-yards with a crossbow...and with a compound.

Here is what is not told. If the sights are set to shoot 80-90-100 yards, you cannot shoot anything under 70-yards. Yes, I can probably shoot a poker chip at 90-yards. But if I do, I can't hit a five-gallon bucket at 20-yards.

Here is the killer: I have done my research, this is fact. In No State, nowhere in the U.S. has the bag limit been lowered due to crossbows and nowhere has the average, annual deer kill increased due to crossbows. Not once, has a bowhunter lost days of hunting due to crossbows. Although, much has been blamed on the crossbow, the only significant impact it has on archery is two-fold. It has been a divisive tool to segregate bowhunters and it has brought new hunters into the fold.

The gun hunter did not rush out and buy one so he could hunt during bow season. Yes, that happened some. But the major impact was on the number of women, youngsters and entry level bowhunters. Many of them, after one or two years, switched to a vertical bow. Hunting has not and will not be ruined because of crossbows.

What are your thoughts.


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I got old enough that my right shoulder would not longer allow me to show a compound box. I had to get a Doctor's statement to file with two states back then. I went to a crossbow. It has its advantages and it has it disadvantages.

The bad news first - they are a noise machine. My second crossbow is not as noisy as my first one but I still see animals jump out of their hide at times. The noise issue makes me think about my compound bow.

The good news - you don't draw and this can allow you to get the deal done without a wise buck or doe picking you up in the tree. I use a shooting stick under my crossbow in the tree stand.

I have great concern that we are loosing 1,000s of dedicated hunters across the nation. Crossbows bring women in and bring in younger hunters. We need those new participants so much.

One other bad point - crossbows weigh far more than the light weigh compound bows that shoot so well today.

I remember back when the traditionalist raised hello about compound bows. Folks we are hunters and the enemy is the non-hunters - animal rights zealots. Hunters have got to stick together. I support hunters that follow the law and participate in fair chase. Hope you do too.

My 2 cents ...

The big advantage while hunting is not having to draw in the presence of game. This allows me to hunt from the ground in places that are not suitable for hunting from a tree. They are faster - but deer will still duck the arrow. They are loud. I am not realistically more accurate offhand than I am with a compound. I, too, disdained crossbows for years. This year, I had my back operated on two weeks before bow season opened and couldnt shoot a compound. I started shooting my son’s crossbow. Shooting from a rest in the yard - there is a big difference. Shooting under hunting conditions - not so much.
That's why citizens don't trust government commissions. They often make misinformed recommendations. Perhaps you should have shot one before testifying against them in front of a government commission...
That's why citizens don't trust government commissions. They often make misinformed recommendations. Perhaps you should have shot one before testifying against them in front of a government commission...

And that is how government commissions work - The worst possible and most ill informed people are put in the worst possible positions for the worst possible political reasons. Then they get the worst possible and most ill informed people to testify so that they can reach the worst possible and most ill informed decisions. Then they promulgate the worst possible and most ill informed solutions to the problems they created in the first place. You can quote me on that.
And that is how government commissions work - The worst possible and most ill informed people are put in the worst possible positions for the worst possible political reasons. Then they get the worst possible and most ill informed people to testify so that they can reach the worst possible and most ill informed decisions. Then they promulgate the worst possible and most ill informed solutions to the problems they created in the first place. You can quote me on that.
Well then you have to appoint a commissions to study why the results of the original commission were not what was anticipated. So the government can appear to be self policing before the people, all with tax payer monies. Why the hell would you have to have a commission on xbows anyways? Put it before the people to vote. At least they will have gotten off their lazy asses and at least held, shot, and possibly used the damn things. Self serving, over budgeted, over staffed govnt entities. My business or personal accounts would of went belly up long ago if ran this way. Weather making me grouchy.
Well then you have to appoint a commissions to study why the results of the original commission were not what was anticipated. So the government can appear to be self policing before the people, all with tax payer monies. Why the hell would you have to have a commission on xbows anyways? Put it before the people to vote. At least they will have gotten off their lazy asses and at least held, shot, and possibly used the damn things. Self serving, over budgeted, over staffed govnt entities. My business or personal accounts would of went belly up long ago if ran this way. Weather making me grouchy.

My goodness - I love it when you talk like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that is how government commissions work - The worst possible and most ill informed people are put in the worst possible positions for the worst possible political reasons. Then they get the worst possible and most ill informed people to testify so that they can reach the worst possible and most ill informed decisions. Then they promulgate the worst possible and most ill informed solutions to the problems they created in the first place. You can quote me on that.

In my state, that’s the case with wolf hunting (among other things). They got the wolf population to a sustainable level in an area and began to allow small hunts. After that happened, the wolf huggers went ballistic and were able to shut it down for a year or two. I think they might’ve had another season - I don’t know, they keep switching back and forth.
People that have no idea how wolves operate and affect an ecosystem should not be making these decisions. I’m not sure why anyone wanted to reintroduce wolves anyway.. keep them away from me

Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum
I was against the legalization of compounds. I was not against the legalization of crossbows because I see them as no more advanced than compounds. I shot several, many years ago, and didn't like them at all. They were too heavy and awkward to be used in a treestand. Then I tore up my rotator cuff so badly I can't shoot any kind of bow more than a couple shots and it gives out. So I started investigating crossbows again hoping to find some way to stay in bowhunting. I came across a new style of crossbow. Reverse Draw. I now own a Skorpyd crossbow and love it. It's still a little heavy but it's balanced so well it's a dream to shoot. Crossbows not only bring in new people to our loved sport, but they also keep old timers in the game as well.
Well then you have to appoint a commissions to study why the results of the original commission were not what was anticipated. So the government can appear to be self policing before the people, all with tax payer monies. Why the hell would you have to have a commission on xbows anyways? Put it before the people to vote. At least they will have gotten off their lazy asses and at least held, shot, and possibly used the damn things. Self serving, over budgeted, over staffed govnt entities. My business or personal accounts would of went belly up long ago if ran this way. Weather making me grouchy.
Voting is a great idea, why didn't I think of that? Wait, what if they put it up for a vote and (surprise) the deplorables don't vote the way the politicians presumed that they should (think Brexit)? A guvermint commish is way more dependable to get sure results which is why Peglosi will never allow a vote on a wall. Yes, you guessed it. I'm part of the vast crossbow conspiracy.
Well then you have to appoint a commissions to study why the results of the original commission were not what was anticipated. So the government can appear to be self policing before the people, all with tax payer monies. Why the hell would you have to have a commission on xbows anyways? Put it before the people to vote. At least they will have gotten off their lazy asses and at least held, shot, and possibly used the damn things. Self serving, over budgeted, over staffed govnt entities. My business or personal accounts would of went belly up long ago if ran this way. Weather making me grouchy.

The weather huh ? Hell, I'm that way 24/7/365. Testify brother !
The government is shut down and broken....time to get a new one!

I have a x-bow, it's not that big of a game changer and it does keep older hunters in the game and helps bring younger hunters in. I prefer my vertical bow. Like was mentioned - pros and cons either way.
The weather huh ? Hell, I'm that way 24/7/365. Testify brother !
I agree. I am still trying to wrap my head around "non-essential personnel". Why are we paying non-essential people? If I had a business, I would not be hiring people that weren't essential to it's operation. Now I have a head-ache.....again.
I have no problem with young older and disabled shooting crossbows,but why allow scopes on them at least make it some what difficult.On bowsite they had post on one state that said over half of hunters during archery season shot crossbows.I agree that in my area of SC Kansas they haven't made much difference other than a guy shot the buck I had been hunting for 2 years at over 60 yards going to corn pile but thats the way it goes.They are easier to shoot and thats why they are popular and thats about the only fact
1. The scope on my crossbow allows me to shoot accurately from 10 to 100 yards.
2. I am much more accurate at long distances with the crossbow.
3. Mine isn’t bulky.
4. The biggest advantage is you don’t have to draw it.
5. Follow up shots are challenging :).

I always take the most lethal legal weapon to the stand with me. For me, a crossbow is much more lethal than a compound.

KY has a fairly long crossbow season, but the dates aren’t dates I like to hunt. I didn’t hunt with it once this year. If I hadn’t tagged out during modern gun, I would have taken it out late season.
I have no problem with young older and disabled shooting crossbows,but why allow scopes on them at least make it some what difficult.On bowsite they had post on one state that said over half of hunters during archery season shot crossbows.I agree that in my area of SC Kansas they haven't made much difference other than a guy shot the buck I had been hunting for 2 years at over 60 yards going to corn pile but thats the way it goes.They are easier to shoot and thats why they are popular and thats about the only fact
I'm curious which is worse; the crossbow or the corn-pile? I don't post there much but I check out the KS page on Bowsite often enough to know that there is a very strong following that hates corn/baiting. Just curious on your thoughts, if hunters could choose to eliminate one of the two to better bow-season... would it be a crossbow or baiting?
Has anyone else noticed Bowriter will make an asinine post, get a lot of people fired up and will fail to follow up with a rebuttal? Is this because;

A) After reading everyone's reply he realizes his logic is flawed

B) He's just an instigator and is sitting back and laughing at all of us who are passionate about our sport

C) He's too busy being an elitist to talk to us dumb common folks

Just wondering
Has anyone else noticed Bowriter will make an asinine post, get a lot of people fired up and will fail to follow up with a rebuttal? Is this because;

A) After reading everyone's reply he realizes his logic is flawed

B) He's just an instigator and is sitting back and laughing at all of us who are passionate about our sport

C) He's too busy being an elitist to talk to us dumb common folks

Just wondering
Is he actually a real person or just a pseudonym/impostor that likes stirring the?
He is a real person. I have known him for about 30 years. He lives in a county that touches my county. He was on an outdoors show in Nashville for years, spoke at Seminars, etc.

At one time he Editor of Bow and Arrow Magazine. He ran some outfitting businesses in some states. His Middle TN Guide Service was Buckhorn Guide Service. He was as knowledgeable about Cheatham WMA as anyone back in the day.

He is a real person & he does stir things up.
