Although I wanted to avoid it, I became involved in a discussion on crossbows. So, some background. For many years, I was an adamant opponent of crossbows-even for the disabled. I spoke in front of the Commission, testifying against the legalization of them in TN.
Then, I did some research and shot one.
I realized, I was wrong...badly wrong. And then, 12-years ago, I became forced with a decision. Get a crossbow or quit hunting during bow season. You see, it is impossible for me to ever shoot a vertical bow again. Injuries and shooting over 100X a day, testing and evaluating bows, has left me about 45% use of my right arm. I decided to get a crossbow. I have been shooting various ones, since then. I will not name brands.
Here is what I know to be fact:
1-For the hunter who has been shooting a vertical bow, they are a handicap.
2-I am no more accurate nor can I shoot any farther with a crossbow than with a compound.
3-You do not need to practice much with crossbow.
4- You do not have to draw a crossbow.
5--You cannot shoot behind you in most cases, with a crossbow.
6- Crossbows are heavy, loud and bulky.
7- Crossbows are not the end of hunting.
8- Yes, you can kill a deer at 100-yards with a crossbow...and with a compound.
Here is what is not told. If the sights are set to shoot 80-90-100 yards, you cannot shoot anything under 70-yards. Yes, I can probably shoot a poker chip at 90-yards. But if I do, I can't hit a five-gallon bucket at 20-yards.
Here is the killer: I have done my research, this is fact. In No State, nowhere in the U.S. has the bag limit been lowered due to crossbows and nowhere has the average, annual deer kill increased due to crossbows. Not once, has a bowhunter lost days of hunting due to crossbows. Although, much has been blamed on the crossbow, the only significant impact it has on archery is two-fold. It has been a divisive tool to segregate bowhunters and it has brought new hunters into the fold.
The gun hunter did not rush out and buy one so he could hunt during bow season. Yes, that happened some. But the major impact was on the number of women, youngsters and entry level bowhunters. Many of them, after one or two years, switched to a vertical bow. Hunting has not and will not be ruined because of crossbows.
What are your thoughts.
Then, I did some research and shot one.
I realized, I was wrong...badly wrong. And then, 12-years ago, I became forced with a decision. Get a crossbow or quit hunting during bow season. You see, it is impossible for me to ever shoot a vertical bow again. Injuries and shooting over 100X a day, testing and evaluating bows, has left me about 45% use of my right arm. I decided to get a crossbow. I have been shooting various ones, since then. I will not name brands.
Here is what I know to be fact:
1-For the hunter who has been shooting a vertical bow, they are a handicap.
2-I am no more accurate nor can I shoot any farther with a crossbow than with a compound.
3-You do not need to practice much with crossbow.
4- You do not have to draw a crossbow.
5--You cannot shoot behind you in most cases, with a crossbow.
6- Crossbows are heavy, loud and bulky.
7- Crossbows are not the end of hunting.
8- Yes, you can kill a deer at 100-yards with a crossbow...and with a compound.
Here is what is not told. If the sights are set to shoot 80-90-100 yards, you cannot shoot anything under 70-yards. Yes, I can probably shoot a poker chip at 90-yards. But if I do, I can't hit a five-gallon bucket at 20-yards.
Here is the killer: I have done my research, this is fact. In No State, nowhere in the U.S. has the bag limit been lowered due to crossbows and nowhere has the average, annual deer kill increased due to crossbows. Not once, has a bowhunter lost days of hunting due to crossbows. Although, much has been blamed on the crossbow, the only significant impact it has on archery is two-fold. It has been a divisive tool to segregate bowhunters and it has brought new hunters into the fold.
The gun hunter did not rush out and buy one so he could hunt during bow season. Yes, that happened some. But the major impact was on the number of women, youngsters and entry level bowhunters. Many of them, after one or two years, switched to a vertical bow. Hunting has not and will not be ruined because of crossbows.
What are your thoughts.