Controlled burn. Now what?

Jeff H

Well-Known Member
So I have burned 1/8 acre for a woods plot. Going to plant clover and chickory. I just finished my burn. Planning on laying seed first, then 80 lbs lime (per soil test recommendation ), then fertilizer.
Any reason to change up the order of things?

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So I have burned 1/8 acre for a woods plot. Going to plant clover and chickory. I just finished my burn. Planning on laying seed first, then 80 lbs lime (per soil test recommendation ), then fertilizer.
Any reason to change up the order of things?

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I'll let the ppl with more food plot experience help you with this. I was just going to recommend the book Quality Food Plots.

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I'd throw it all on at once. I'd also add some kind of grain. Even if it's totally shaded, I'd still throw some in there.
My question would be how much was growing there before you burned?it didn't look like much.If native browse won't grow then most likely you don't have enough sunlight or something.I would make sure of this first then if you are getting at least 6 hours or so.Just plant lime and fertilize
My question would be how much was growing there before you burned?it didn't look like much.If native browse won't grow then most likely you don't have enough sunlight or something.I would make sure of this first then if you are getting at least 6 hours or so.Just plant lime and fertilize
I had taken down a few trees. I may take a few more after season. There was a lot of brush. I seeded, lime,d fertilized and also put 80 lbs of Redmond mineral out.
You need 50% sunlight to grow stuff on the forest floor. I'm anti-tillage but on burned forest floor I'd turn the dirt a little to mix some soil with the tight upper layer of humus normally found in the woods. You really should add some grain to the mix.
sunlight is your friend when it comes to growing anything in the woods. Add some rye - if for nothing else - if you can't grow rye, you know you have some sort of issue! I would try to work the lime and fertilizer into the soil of you can. Broadcast your seed and back the soil firm.....pray for rain!