Bull Pen, Mandy Hollow and Cari's Corner

Always enjoy your updates lak. Glad to see you may have pears this fall. And we all know we'll be seeing pics of ripe tomatoes in bout 9 or 10 weeks.
Doug (dgallow) recently talked about the characteristics of a great growing environment. How exciting to see plants welcome this time of the year and "take off". With a little lake water irrigation during some dry spells, and now some timely rains and temps in the 80s, my garden has enjoyed some of those growing conditions!! It is coming along







So this year I decided to give up on tomatoes. I love a fresh home grown tomato but I always got about 95% bloom drop. Always flower then the flower would just fall off. I tried everything--bloom drop spray, fertilizers, and even manure. My wife, who is in horticulture school right now, was talking to one of her professors and he said the main reason for bloom drop was lack of calcium. So off to the local walmart to get 1 tomato plant. I think the variety is Celebrity. I planted it in a 5 gallon root trapper bag. Added some slow release non burning fertilizer to the soil and also added 2 egg shells. I cleaned the egg shells and ground them up into a very fine powder. Mixed the powder in the soil well. Guess what? My little plant is loaded with about 10 tomatoes so far. Not one bloom drop and a good 20 to 30 yellow flowers. I think I have solved my bloom drop!
always enjoy your "lake garden"
So off to the local walmart to get 1 tomato plant. I think the variety is Celebrity. I planted it in a 5 gallon root trapper bag. Added some slow release non burning fertilizer to the soil and also added 2 egg shells. I cleaned the egg shells and ground them up into a very fine powder. Mixed the powder in the soil well. Guess what? My little plant is loaded with about 10 tomatoes so far. Not one bloom drop and a good 20 to 30 yellow flowers. I think I have solved my bloom drop!
always enjoy your "lake garden"
Thanks doc. Lot of theories on ber and calcium def is a popular one. Good luck with the celebrity, a good tasty mater and prolific producer

PS. I get blossom end rot in varying degrees every year. Last year I used some bone meal but no time for anything this year.
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I need y'all to pray for my Mother.

She is 92 and has an Aortic Valve almost completely closed. So blood flow and oxygen are not what they should be. Her age precludes any surgical solutions, and frankly, she does not want one. She told my daughter "I am ready to meet Jesus, just pray that I have patience" We are going for peace and comfort. Who knows how long but she cannot stay by herself any longer, after an episode the first of April.

My brother and I are taking turns staying 24/7 and we have hired a lady in the community to help out with the house and baths. It is working so far, a roller coaster ride for sure, but precious time with our Mother. She is on oxygen 24/7 and we have hospice sleeping and pain pills at our disposal to help her rest.

During my stays I have gotten her to help me cook some of our favorite dishes. Recently, we did corn soup and just yesterday Chicken Pot Pie. She is much better at "showing" me how to do it, than telling me, and that is fine with me. Special moments with a sweet lady!

Only she could adequately stir up the secret topping!

The dish has been one of the family favorites for quite some time. When my daughter was coming home with her third child, Mother wanted to prepare a meal. Susan requested Chicken Pot Pie. Now maybe the Ol' Man can make it.



As I tore down the garden structure early spring to get ready for a new one, I realized that last year's garden was the last one Mom will be able to help me with. And what a great garden it was. Here's to happy gardening, flowering, cooking and loving for my Mom!
How lucky to still have your mom living at 92. Special times right there cooking with mom. Prayers sent my friend as you get these precious moments with mom.
God Bless
It sounds like your mother is in a proper state of mind and surrounded by loved ones. We should all hope to be so lucky. God bless her, and watch over her.
I'm coming for a fried green mater sandwich. Can't believe I can see red ones on the way.. Snow here this weekend.
Sorry about your mother, that's tough no matter what. Prayers her transition is a peaceful one.
Gonna Give Chufa another Try
Many southern folks on the forum have talked about the decease in the turkey population, trying to figure out what is happening. Coyotes, Hogs, Hunters, etc Hard to know why the numbers are down so much. On camera and while mowing I have seen a few birds in our area, so I have some reason to be encouraged. With that we decided to give Chufa another try. A few years back we planted some, had a decent crop, and really brought in the turkeys. So my buddy ordered some from Thomas Farms and I from Hancocks

So over the last couple of days I have been preparing a field at Mandy Hollow and Bull Pen. Using the Tiller and the Chisel Plow I plan to repeat the process I used for last fall's planting. Believe it or not this first picture shows tilling this morning after the Bull Pen got over an inch of rain last night. Everyone does that, right?


Here is a picture of the completed field at Mandy Hollow

I was not able to create "thirt" this time. The fields I mowed had so much Fescue, Rye Grass, Millet and Mystery Grass that I even pushed much of the thatch to the side so it would not clog the tiller. I know it would be great worked into the soil but did not have time to let is deteriorate. The patches were quite THICK


After tilling I used the chisel plow to create furrows, or rows. Hopefully, the fertilizer and seed will find its way to these rows and then be covered with a drag harrow



While mowing and tilling I had some trouble with the Temp gauge showing hot. Typically, when mowing, the intake gets trashy and I have to clean it out, and all is fine. When it ran hot while tilling, I knew I had other problems. Checked out several things, could not find anything except the tractor vents were quite dirty. So I just raised the hood, kept tilling, and the guage moderated just fine. I need to give the tractor a good bath. This picture also shows some young pear trees and some 11 year old Sawtooth Oaks.


This picture is for Triple C. We like our fields that go fallow. Some define it differently but to me it means fields left alone to do what they will. This area is mainly fescue (yuk) but is filling in with volunteer trees and black berries. The pine trees at top of picture are along the county road, so the area will offer better screening in years to come.

And one picture just for dgallow. Some vetch growing in my overgrown fall plots.

Prayers sent for your mother. 92 is a grand life....be thankful and spoil her by meeting all her wishes!

Your garden looks great. We whipped the jungle into a mulch mat last week but have yet to plant due to cool wet conditions. That should change in the next two weeks.
God bless your mom, you and your family lak. Thank you for sharing the photo and cooking story. I will keep ya'll in my prayers.

That's some beautiful looking dirt by the way my friend.
First Time Ever to Have Ripe Tomatoes in May....Fantastic

I think his might just be better than Backstrap. First corn and tomatoes of the year. And it was FINE!!!!

Lak, prayers for your mom, and a special blessing for you to have her that long.

That garden is immaculate, and something tells me you won't be running short of water for it!!!!
Lak - just getting caught up, I will be praying for your mom. My grandma passed this past year, I recall my cousin texting me saying - grandma said she's ready to meet God. Sometimes those old ladies are tougher than us, they are ready but we aint always ready to let go!

The garden, and food looks great! Love your thread buddy, keep it up!