Best way to work this persimmon?


Active Member
This persimmon hasn't flowered yet so I don't know if it's male or female. I'm thinking of grafting known female onto it. Note the heavy bend about 7 feet up. Is it practical to cut the tree just below the bend and bark graft female scions at that point? Or would I be better off just doing multiple limb grafts and 'convert' the tree limb by limb?Best Persimmon.jpeg
When did you plant the tree?

According to what I read,they flower at ~ 6 years

What if it "female" flowers this spring?

Ashamed to say I've lost track of when I put it in. My best guess would be about 2010. So even at 8 years to maturity, it's due. It I do graft it at the bend - and it does flower - I'll still have 5 branches below the graft that could continue to produce until the grafted top kicks in.
Agree on the theory -- but I'm thinking the residual branches - on a tree that thick and old - are an insurance policy against an unsuccessful graft. If the worst happens, I'll still have mature branches to keep growing - - at the cost of giving up some energy to the scion. Anybody have an opinion?