Banks Feed Bank 300

Just to clarify - So are you feeding rice bran through the banks feeder as well? If so, any issues with it caking up? Or hardening at the feeder ports with the humidity?

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I was afraid that my last post might insinuate that...
No, I put powdered rice bran on the ground because spreading corn on the ground gets me 20 raccoons and 30 turkeys and none left when the deer get there.

In the feeder I use whole corn mixed with rice bran pellets to get the deer to wanting to check out the feeder. It took months but they are finally starting to warm up to it...

We haven't had humidity in our area in a month...
For everyone who's having trouble getting deer to eat from the feeder. Hang in there... they WILL start using it!






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We use whole corn and roasted whole soybeans. The deer devour it but it can get expensive. Once antlers stop growing we plan to switch over to straight corn for a few months until horns drop then we'll start over with the mix again. Our deer use these feeders so well I doubt I'll use a spinner type feeder this year. Less waste.

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There's something about getting a picture of a big buck sticking their mouth in that feeder port that just looks cool.
100 lbs of feed will last me longer in a spin feeder than free feed but I use a free feed when feeding record rack