Awesome Sturgis article - highlights Waupaca county

Every time I read something written by Jeff Sturgis my first thought is "he sounds like a giant turd".
Let em preface this by saying I believe there may be some merit to limiting summer food in some areas in some circumstances.
To the article:
The first picture confuses me. The article is clearly biased against planting summer crops, because he is surrounded by ag and too many deer. But the first picture there is a strip of corn between the woods and what looks to be alfalfa. No farmer is going to plant a strip of corn like that. For a professional article, didn't think the pictures through very well.

To me questions 3 is the most important. If your fall plot strategy is enough to attract and hold deer, why plant anything else? Why? Because most managers are concerned with the deers health year round, not just for the purpose of killing them during season. This would be a great article for a deer shooter. Minimum time and effort in the woods for maximum results during killing time.

Enough if you had a great fall plan, you can not know that you are attracting the maximum deer herd to your land. I understand focusing more on fall and winter food for the reason of harvesting more deer. But not having some summer food (either plots or mast) to me, just doesnt add up. How many deer will go to the neighbors in spring and summer and then never return because the neighbor has year round food?