ATV Wet Trail Help

All. need a little advice. on the property that we purchased there are some rutted out areas that hold water (one area holding a lot). any advice on how to fix the trails up and hopefully help with the wet and rutting out.

We had a similar situation. We got a truckload of softball sized rock delivered. Took a while but we set it in the ruts. Now even if it’s wet/muddy we drive the ruts and have solid rock to drive on a few inches down. Just keep to the ruts where the rock is. In one spot where it was really bad we put a first layer of football sized rock then second layer of smaller rock. May take a few times installing rock. I’ve also heard of setting bags of quikrete in the ruts.

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Cement Blocks?
Yes some blocks as well. In one area my trail is rutted deeply where the left tire going in would ride, 8 inch blocks make it level then put smaller stones around it. Mud/ dirt is filling /laying around block half way up already, due to this being a high flow area for water run off. Gravel on top is my next step
The gravel I will be using is what we call blue stone here. Dark color looks more natural. 2" is what I use for the driveway
On the old forum some used discarded chain link fencing as a floating base across wet/swampy ground.
We have a few spots where springs keep our roads wet. We’ve had good luck with 10”+ pipe under the road. They occasionally require clean out but work well. Installed with a dozer but could be done by hand.

Our terrain is steep though, no experience with wet bogs etc.

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In a Worst Case situation where you can't haul in Rock or Such, a simple easy fix is to cut down some Scrap Trees and lay them longwise in the Ruts. I've also seen Logs used to lay Sideways to form a Bridge of Sorts to help with crossing a bog area.

Best thing to do is get a Pipe to move the water and lay it sideways, then build your other stuff on top of it. Gives the water someplace to go.
Sometimes you can get away with a simple Ditch dug out with a shovel IF you have an area for the water to go on each side to drain where the water lays on the trail.

However IF you can haul in Rock, NOTHING else beats it. You will need to Raise the area higher than you think to allow for some settling to occur.