
New Member
I was thinking about buying one but want to know how well they work. I currently drag around a bed frame that works okay.
We went with a box spring for a long time, finally built one from scratch this year. I cannot believe we went without it so long, I would recommend it being one of the first implements a food plotter buys.
We made one using water pipe and a plastic culvert, holds 300 lbs of concrete, works great!

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Looks good Texas. I am almost done with mine. I'll post some pics if I can ever find time to finish. The one I am making is a plain Jane agri supply wheel cultipacker.
That looks pretty good. Mind sharing any plans or details on the materials used?
We built it a couple of years ago so I don't remember exact measurments but we based it off the plan I attached. I think we used 2" galv pipe for the frame, the culvert is 6"x 48". We cemented a 48" piece of 2" tubing inside the culvert, 1-3/4 galv pipe for the axle, no bearings, the axle rolls freely inside the tubing. We also added a brace across the middle of the frame and 2 bolts on both ends of the axle where it meets the tubing to limit back and forth movement of the culvert. The hitch is a wally world special.

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