Then the taxpayers there need to be asking why?? Why no ventilators?? For goodness sake I live in the most rural state in the east. We supposedly are so unhealthy , have poor healthcare , poor hospital standards ,ignorant inbred population , etc. Yet we had the ventilators, the empty hospitals beds , half the blue collar state still working thru this. Yet we stayed below 3 % infection rate. 34 deaths all of which were compromised patients.
Minnesota has no excuse. And my opinion neither does some of the rest of the heavily infected areas.
Just like shortage of PPE. WHY? We knew this crap was on its way long before it got here. My business was already stocked for 8 mo in preparation of what was to happen, if it did happen.
And as a result of head in the sand or poor planning or just stupidity , this whole country will now pay dearly emotionally and economically for along time. Much small business and some large business will simply not survive and that will hurt all. Like said above... I’m pissed ... at the stupidity that allowed govt to take control of all our movements. You can go to Lowe’s and buy mulch w your government bailout ck but you can’t go to church or keep your business running. God bless America, where’s the Tylenol?!
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