Chad Hauenstein
Anyone have any experience with appin turips? Our deer love brassica greens and i am looking get more top then a ppt provides.
Thanks for the input guys. I just like to experiment with varities to see what does best for us. We have 5 acres to plant brassica so i am going to give appin and pasja a try. The rest will go into a ppt, der, gh mix.
Winfred kicked tail to rape last year in my trials.
I've changed to Winfred in all my brassica plots
InterestingThis is what makes these trials so interesting. Eberyones experience is a little different. We planted a 1/2 acre of winfred and clover last year in the hope that winfred would hold green tops longer. The deer loved winfred and the was a tie for the the first brassica heavily browsed along with ground hogs.
The only drawback i saw with winfred was that it grew slower than othe brassicas and give us the tonnage we wanted.
The positive to the slow growth was it was a great cover crop for our clover.
There are no worthwhile advantages to planting appin over ptt, rape, and ghr.
But there are disadvantages, I have never had problems with the other three brassicas reseeding as aggressively as did appin when I tried them, they turned into weeds for 2-3 years in my food plot.
Quick update. We planted today so with a little rain we should get some comparable results with appin vs purple tops.
Our planting process was pretty straightforward. We sprayed six weeks ago. Disced three weeks ago. Today, we sprayed, fertlized, packed, seeded, and packed again.
Appin and ptt, der, radish mix were planted side by side. PH is 5.9. Fert was applied at the rate of 80-40-40 pre acre.
In total we planted 3.85 acres of ptt, der, radish, .5 appin, .5 pasja, and finally .85 acres of a winfred clover mix.
Ill keep you posted on how everything grows.
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Winfred kicked tail to rape last year in my trials.
I've changed to Winfred in all my brassica plots
Bull, this has been our experience. The Winfred grew significant stalks the deer chewed on into spring. To change things up a bit, we added sugar beets to our rutabaga/Winfred mix this year. If I had to choose between Winfred/rutabagas and LC's mix of PTT, GHR and DER, I'd choose the former. Fortunately, I don't have to choose and prefer to lay out a buffet with grains/clover in between the different brassica mixes.