I understand liking the quietness of battery powered but it sounds like most of the motivation is frustration with carbs, and hard starting. I think most of that frustration can be solved. Store your power equipment for the winter empty. Forget fuel stabilizers. Let it idle till it’s out of fuel. Pump the priming bulb if it has one till it’s empty. Restart and idle till it dies. That’s number one. Number two is regardless of what your power equipment says about being designed to run on E90 gas, run it on ethanol free gas. If that’s not available in your area make your own by mixing water in your gas and removing the ethanol. Yes, you heard that right mix water in your gas....let it bind with the ethanol and then remove it. Probably 500 YouTube videos that will explain it better than I can. Realistically, my string trimmer, chainsaw, four wheelers etc don’t go through much gas in a year so it’s not bad to run them on ethanol free fuel and I have no carb or starting issues with them. The zero turn still gets ethanol because it just uses too much gas in a year and the nearest ethanol pump is a 20-30 minute drive away.
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