New Member
I hunt a 300 acre farm, which I live on family owned. I have several cameras set up and have had a large amount of mature bucks this year on camera, most of which I have been watching for the past 2+ years, and I have been trying to pattern these deer, I hung a stand on the river bottom ( earlier in the year) where I had set up a camera late August/Sept. and It was like a buck factory down there I mean several several several wallhanger bucks that we’re making their appearance in shooting hours, and now that rifle season has opened and a lot of people are saying the rut in this area is in full swing... I have hunted this stand this year maybe 4 times, 1 morning and 3 evenings... we’ll all the big bucks are gone.... I mean don’t understand it, because it is no shortage of does what so ever. Don’t get me wrong I still see deer down there, but it’s just 1.5-2.5 bucks, anything from cow horns to very young 8 pointers. And a lot of does. I just do not understand I know deer travel during the rut but these deer have done left the whole farm It seems like. I will try to post some aerial pics or the farm, and then stand locations so you guys can get an idea of the property. It’s 70% ag and 30% wooded. With a river and ridges along the river.. have any of you expierenced this ?