8x8 Holiday Inn Box Blind

Jeff H

Well-Known Member
I've had a box blind in the only field on my property for years. It was in a good spot and we've shot a lot of deer from it over the years but I've had to rebuild it almost every year as it was built more like a tree house than a box blind. The trees were used as base supports and when the wind blows everything shifts, screws come loose and eventually the roof will blow off. So I decided earlier this summer that I would build a new blind. I placed the new, better in every way blind right next old decrepit blind. I'm calling this the Holiday Inn stand.
I started off with the platform. I came across a guy who had a sign company that had a bunch of old Real estate signs that he was getting rid of. They are 4x8 sheets of marine grade plywood with a vinyl coating (kinda like a wrap) with the advertisement on it. They were $10 each. I bought 5. Should have bought 15.
Here is the platform I built.
My friend Mike helping put the floor on the platform.
I built it at my home and would disassemble, transport to the property then reassemble on site.
Here is the blind with its first coat of paint going on.
I used someone else's idea of hinged windows with a pull string from the inside. I also have 4 or 5 links of plastic chain at the end of the pull string so that the windows can be adjusted from part-way open to fully open.

Second coat of paint...much better!
Looking good. I can envision a story in the future that ends with "no, but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night"
Here is an inside shot of the front windows. I have 5 windows total, 2 facing west, 2 facing south, and a bay style window that is 18x42 in the S.W corner. For the record the bay window is a challenge to build when you're a non carpenter with Harbor Freight tools.
Here it is loaded onto the trailer and ready to transport to the property. Loading would not have been possible without help. Unloading was a breeze. It's good to have friends.
Here is the first wall going up.
With the front end loader it was actually pretty easy to do. We put a strap on the top and nailed a 2x4 to the floor as a stop. when the FEL was as high as it was going to go Mike simply pulled the strap and the wall came right up.
I am liking it. 8x8 madates a flip down mattress
I've given that some thought. I originally planned on doing a 8x5 leaving me with a 3x8 deck but I figured the cost was not going to be that much more by enclosing the whole platform. Plus I wasn't sure how much use I would get out of the deck. With the entire platform enclosed I started thinking of a sleeping area on the back wall. You really can't have a Holiday Inn stand without a place to sleep ! My only issue is I've got my entry door on the back wall which cuts it down to a 6' length. I'm thinking about two hooks in opposing corners and using a hammock. I love sleeping in a hammock.
Looks great Jeff. The camo treeline paint job is sweet
Thanks. I've found that a light colored base is a great place to start with any camo. I did a flat roof with rubber pond liner. That stuff is heavier than it looks! I cut the rubber liner too large and it hangs over the front by 2 feet or so. It covers up my nice tree painting and I'm not crazy about the way it turned out but I was thoroughly pooped by the time the roof went on so I just left it as is. At least it will keep the rain off that first two feet of wall.
Finally got my staircase built. I used pallets to build it. they are both cheap and sturdy. I wasn't sure how it was going to work out but I like it a lot. It's nice and wide and the final pallet serves as a 40x48 landing.
Pardon the crummy picture. the light was bad for pictures but it wasn't going to get much better.
Here's a shot of the underside.

Finally got my staircase built. I used pallets to build it. they are both cheap and sturdy. I wasn't sure how it was going to work out but I like it a lot. It's nice and wide and the final pallet serves as a 40x48 landing.
Pardon the crummy picture. the light was bad for pictures but it wasn't going to get much better.
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Here's a shot of the underside.

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Are you paying the rental fee on that CHEP pallet?
I'm just joking around but FYI CHEP is that blue one on top with the 4x4 down the middle. ..they are more heavy duty than a regular white wood pallets...and they normally charge the warehouse fees for using them....I saw a lot or them in a food warehouse I fid a project in.