
haden popnoe

New Member
Hey guys, Has anyone tried coonhoods or heard of this product? What are your thoughts? I haven't heard of anyone's experience with them yet, looking for some feedback . Check out www.coonhood.com
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Hey guys, Has anyone tried coonhoods or heard of this product? What are your thoughts? They are great in theory, but I haven't heard of anyone's experience with them yet,

I am surprised you haven't heard of any experiences with them since it is your product and surely you tested them...

Since you are trying to sell them I will move this to the classified section...
My own testing was successful, but I still have not received much feedback from customers on them. Hoping that some of the earlier customer of Coonhoods have had time to observe and could provide me with insight into their performance and their experiences with them. Classifieds is fine with me.