24 hour hunts


Well-Known Member
How many have ever done a 24 hour hunt? I’m thinking about going in one afternoon and hunt deer then stay the night in the stand and hunt pigs over a kill light then deer hunt the next morning. The stand is a 4x4 box blind so not much room to lay down if you wanted to get a few hours of sleep during the middle of the night. I’ve thought about some type of adjustable chair that could lean back a little and I think I could sleep like that if I chose to do so. Has anyone ever tried this?


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You’d have to be prepared for cold weather up here:). I’ve got an adjustable chair that leans back and is quite comfortable. I fall asleep too frequently on cold mornings. I believe you’d be sore in the morning but will have gotten some shut eye with this kind of setup.
Me thinks yo wiring is a tad frayed .....course in my younger days I might a done it ...if we had hogs!
Let us know if you see any deer on the second day after an all night firefight in the deer's backyard !

A quick check of the Wisconsin regulations shows we can not night hunt during the traditional 9 day gun hunt. We can during the muzzleloader season and some of the special doe only seasons.
I had an old recliner I threatened to take to my shooting house.....but I figured it would turn into a snoozing house! 4X4 isn't going to give you much room at all. I would suggest against staying up 24 hours....if your not used to it it will impair you to the point it will be like you are drunk....not the best condition to be shooting a firearm. I have never done it because I have no big game to legally hunt at night....and I hunt my own place....my bed is less than 1/2 mile away....I'm going home!
My uncle, chased a buck a long time ago in his younger days, that was always just a step ahead of him. Overtime he moved tighter in on the buck, the buck would move deeper into the woods. Overtime he got there earlier, the buck was there to bust him when he got in. So one day he decided to take his climber in one evening for a hunt, and just spend the night in it right in that bucks living room to catch him in the morning. Spent a long cold night in the tree and never saw that but again.
But from personal experience, I hunted a buck that I had gotten to know pretty well several years ago. And one evening hunt he came in and stood broadside at 20 yards but everything from his shoulder to his butt was tucked behind a large white oak. He then backed up in his tracks never giving me a shot and circled around me out of range out into a field to feed. And I swore If I spent the night in my blind that I would get him in the morning, because that stand had no morning access. But since I was a senior in High school at the time, I couldn't miss class to hunt so I hiked out. Sure enough, camera showed him standing in front of my blind at 20 yards the next morning in legal light. So while I would under the right circumstances spend a night on-stand, I would want to be in a blind bigger than 4x4 and make sure I had closable windows to keep my scent from polluting the area overnight.
Why sleep? If your there to hunt 24 hours, it's easy enough to stay up that long.
Are you kidding?
I sometimes have trouble staying awake during a 4 hour sit. And that's on a tiny home made lock on stand. A lounge chair in a box?? Snooze city.
Thats a young mans game. Not sure how good the deer hunting would be after a night blasting hogs. But then that might not be what its about. Hunt your own hunt.
I havs done it a time or two in my six by eight foot box stands and office chair. Can catch a little shut eye. But only have done it from 3 pm to 10 am. I have shot hogs and drug them out of the food plot and had deer show up 30 minutes later. My wife shot the biggest deer we have on our place this year the morning after my son shot a big boar hog in that food plot at about midnight.
Thanks everyone for your input. My hunting goals this year are a doe or two for meat and blast all the hogs I can. We don’t really have any bucks on camera that I care to shoot. Of course, all that may go out the window if big boy chasing a doe that we’ve never seen before comes cruising by. I put out the hog light tonight next to one of my cell game cameras and have already had a decent size hog come in so the green light of the hog light didn’t seem to bother him. Won’t be able to go hunting until maybe Saturday so this will give him a little more time to get accustomed to it.

On sleeping in the blind. I think I could do it with a chair that would recline back a little. No way to lay down in a 4x4 blind. I’m in the process of building a 4x8 but I didn’t get it ready this year due to health issue. You can bet I will be spending some nights in it as I’ll be able to roll out a sleeping bag and sleep on the floor.

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I hunt hogs at night, but I am mobile. Pour out corn in a few places and just keep checking them with a golf cart and NV on a 6.8 SPC. I've also tried the sit and wait method, but at night, I just can't hang !
I hunt hogs at night, but I am mobile. Pour out corn in a few places and just keep checking them with a golf cart and NV on a 6.8 SPC. I've also tried the sit and wait method, but at night, I just can't hang !
You need to put a texting camera on each of those corn piles- has been a game changer for us - and the hogs, too.
You need to put a texting camera on each of those corn piles- has been a game changer for us - and the hogs, too.
Most of my place is cell phone purgatory. I'd love to be able to do that, if I had enough signal to support the cell cameras. I have one that I use on my hog trap, but it's in about the only area that it will work. The hog trap will be baited and ready as soon as deer season closes !