2022 Fruit (and nut) Tree Orders thread


Staff member
It's about that time of year to order fruit and nut trees/seed, usually for spring shipping. What's everyone ordering? My current order(s) are as follows:

25 Persimmon
25 Pawpaw

Perfect Circle Farm
5 American Persimmon - James Claypool open pollinated varities

Blue Hill
13 Pears/apples/crabapples
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every year comes by and i say i'm good i got enough trees and then somehow next spring i end up with 200 pine trees, 30 apple trees, some pear, plum, ROD bushes, etc. ha...i doubt this year will be any different
I need some that will produce with no rain,Hardly have any apples this year and doesn't look like and acorns either already no sandhill plums
I really want some ROD but I can’t find any for sale at a reasonable price.

Everything sold out pretty quick from MDC. What are your thoughts on the wild plum trees?
every year comes by and i say i'm good i got enough trees and then somehow next spring i end up with 200 pine trees, 30 apple trees, some pear, plum, ROD bushes, etc. ha...i doubt this year will be any different

Ain't that the truth!

The reasonable me: I've only got space for another couple dozen inside my fence so I'm pretty close to capacity...

The other side of me: Well... maybe I'll plant some outside the electric fence for the bears to destroy
I really want some ROD but I can’t find any for sale at a reasonable price.

Everything sold out pretty quick from MDC. What are your thoughts on the wild plum trees?

Im not sure on shipping, but the state nursery here in VA always has ROD. They will open the site back up sometime in October.
Are they thicket forming like they say? I don’t want more trees, shrubs and thickets is where I’m lacking.

And how about deer browsing them? Do they need to be well protected?

I'm sorry for the late response! Somehow I missed seeing this reply earlier.

I would say yes, mine do form thickets, but not very rapidly. Granted, I started mine in tubes and that may be a factor, but it was probably 5 years before I noticed root suckers popping up, and then it's just been one here and there, within 6'-8' max from original trees. They certainly don't spread with anything close to "invasive" behavior at my place. With that said, I do have wild plums growing here and there on my property that were already there when I bought the place, and new young trees pop up now and again that are far from any existing plum so I do believe that they grow reasonably easily from seed (likely coyote-deposited, but that's just a guess).

I didn't have big issues with deer browsing them when they were getting established. If I cut down a sapling along a plot edge, the deer browse the stump sprouts heavily though, so they will eat them. Those I planted were in 4' tubes, and I didn't ever notice any substantial browsing evidence on them. The first couple of years after planting I mowed around the seedlings a handful of times each year; they've been fending for themselves against weeds/grass/etc ever since.
Dug out some pics. April 2013, one year after we planted them.
Plums in tubes, and had a couple extra for 2nd row. The rest of that second row is hazelnut, which we also have native on the property. The plums have easily out-competed the hazelnut; the hazelnuts are still there, under the plums now, but they aren't thriving. This spot is wet clay, but needed a screen between the ag field/road/neighbors, and a little plot. You can see a few pines if you look close; they didn't make it. We also planted some unprotected elderberry in this initial planting and very few of them made it past the heavy deer browsing. I've since added a few hawthorn and crabs along the back (right in this pic), and they are doing well.

Spring 2022. The weeds under the trees are dense in the summer, but they get beat down when plums are falling.
Hard to show suckers because some of the smaller stems you see are hazelnut or elderberry.

One end of the screen is especially wet and heavy clay. I'm finally getting some silky dogwood and hawthorn established there, but still a big gap left until they get some more size to them. Taken from the plot, screen behind my son, gap to the right side of pic. (And yes, grassy, weedy plot, but they eat there.)

Pic from this summer, taken from same point as first pic in this post.
Sorry for the thread hijack.

Back on track - So far I have resisted the urge to order anything. I plan to do some top-working again in 2023, but no new plantings. We'll see if I can stick to that plan, or if I cave.
Well I ended up ordering 50 wild plum and 50 deciduous holly.
If I can get an order in with blue hill I’ll do that too.
Thanks NG! I think they will be a great second layer from my neighbors property bordering a large old hay field. I currently have spruce and the plums will be next.
Blue Hill fruit trees are on sale. There are some trees left, but a few varieties are sold out.
I got almost everything I wanted this am at 7:45. Only thing I missed out on was Rifle Deer Pear. I forgot Ryan puts the trees on sale at midnight. I went to bed just before midnight, expecting the trees to be available early in the am. GRRRR......