New Member
Anyone heard any rumors about new bow.
I havent shot the htx i have a htr . They need a no cam that will shoot 360 fps.Haven't seen them, but I'll be out of the market for a long time. Couldn't be happier with my HTX No Cam, best shooting bow i've owned.
i've been shooting 25 years, everything seems fast to me now...I havent shot the htx i have a htr . They need a no cam that will shoot 360 fps.
I'm going to guess 270-280(274fps). Did you get a 70lb bow and turn it down to 60lb or buy a 60lb bow?At 60 lbs and a 31 inch draw with 450 grain arrows I expect to be around 280-290 fps.
I picked up my new bow today. It's a Halon 32-6 70 lbs (set at 60 for now), 31 inch draw length and the 85% letoff setting. I put a Montana Black Gold Revenge sight on it and a peep sight. It also got a wrist sling. Everything else is as it came. After shooting probably fifty arrows through it I can say that I really like it. Very smooth, seems very fast but I'll chrono it at some point. I love the back wall. It's so much more solid than my old bow. It feels very different than what I'm used too. It's axle to axle length is 5 inches shorter than my old bow but it is a little heavier. That's not an issue at all. I plan on shooting it a while to get comfortable and then work on dialing in the yardages. For now it's shoots great. I'm sure I'll get very comfortable with it soon. The picture below shows a five shot group. The first two shots were at 20 yards and the next three were at 25 using the same pin.
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I use a whisker biscuit. I thought about trying a drop down rest but I'm really of fan of simplicity and for the last dozen years I've used the whisker biscuit so that's what I'm sticking with.