Recent content by dogghr

  1. dogghr

    Stone Branch, build it, they will come.

    Dang George I’ve never seen that much wire on a tree Specialty crops exist around here. I once was buying chemical for my foodplots at my local feed store one fall and mentioned to the guy doing the loading that I was late spraying my weed. He then spent the next 45 min explaining to me the...
  2. dogghr

    Kaleo Hills-Property tour

    Sweet. Is that a muzzle brake or silencer on the rig. Love doe venison. Always give my bucks away and keep the doe. Bet it was bit chilly on the mountaintop !! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. dogghr

    Keystone Krops

    I did have the logger do my dirty work this past 2 years on creating clusters. I will need go in now and do chainsaw work to create some pathways I want in honor of our deceased mentor Chainsaw who frequented this forum. Pics should follow but I’ve become quite lazy w actively posting any more...
  4. dogghr

    The Massey

    Deer will love that alfalfa. Kept my alfalfa going for about 8 years but have let it go to mostly clover at moment. Hard to beat for dry soils and drought Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. dogghr

    Stone Branch, build it, they will come.

    Love walnut wood. I’m Sitting now in front of fire beneath my walnut mantel I made from my farm. Hated them as child as we had pick up thousands of them yearly to sell. Still hate the nuts and I think my hands are still stained Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. dogghr

    Keystone Krops

    I’m sorry did you use my copyrighted phrase Random Clusters?? My lawyers will contact for royalties. I think problem w a lot of these guys and equipment they never worked old school dozers and such and now everything done w joysticks. I had a guy work my road and I couldn’t tell if he was...
  7. dogghr

    Kaleo Hills-Property tour

    I love your hunt. I still prefer to still hunt but this years dry weather not too conducive. Nothing like taking a deer at eye level. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. dogghr

    Working at the Farm - Took a few I-Phone Pics

    Sweet stuff over in Caneland. Git one them boys! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. dogghr

    Stone Branch, build it, they will come.

    Great job George. And Glad you no longer a flatlander. Just need a small moonshine still up that “holler” and you set!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. dogghr

    The Massey

    I’ve planted my last brassicas I think. The deer annihilate them as they sprout. Used to be my fav plot. Keep up the good work thru your Sahara like conditions! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. dogghr

    Triple C's Place

    Great job w the grand pups. I know they hard to beat even though my daughter always reminding me of how docile I am w them as opposed to my testosterone filled days w my own children lol. Fire pit cool. And I like the easy cleanup you speak of. We have a solo stove and while they aren’t truly...
  12. dogghr

    Live from the Stand - 2024

    Always good to have one of these guys come by for a sit to ruin last hour of bow hunt. We’ve become good friends over last few wks but I think we need to see other people. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. dogghr

    Deer Season Eve…

    Things do change. I certainly don’t hunt as much last 5 years as in past. But w cold spell last wk did hunt 3 days in row for the first time in years. I hadn’t shot my bow but practiced shot from treestand each day and I was on the mark. Did see a good 10 but no clear shot. Good luck to you and...
  14. dogghr

    Drought and Survival

    Got the rain but at a price. Monster trees down everywhere with houses sometimes being the landing spot. Power out for many for 4 days now w several days to go. Major flooding in certain areas w homes destroyed. Powerline ROW thru my farm has had its lines knocked down at least 4 times. My...
  15. dogghr

    Drought and Survival

    4-5 in since Tuesday from a stalled front. Hurricane remnants will move in and prob top us off near 10”. They had said we needed 17” to bust drought so…. Feast or famine. May give jump to clovers and WR for last min growth before Oct freeze. Brassica too late. Heavy acorn crop which is good...