Soil Test Results?


Well-Known Member
Here are the soil test results I just got back from one of my new plots that I'm doing this year.

My question is; what is my best option for this field? Can I get the PH to where I need it this year, or should I wait until next year so I can give the lime time to work? upload_2017-8-6_6-43-50.png upload_2017-8-6_6-49-41.png
I started with same ph, twice your CEC, half your OM and had low nutrients. I spread 2-3 tons/ac lime in Aug that year with no tillage except in 2 small plots. My ph has remained 6.5 or better since for 9 years in all my present plots and fields except one bottom plot that just dropped to 6 this year. Part of that key is preserve soil as best you can and use crop rotations that tend to enhance the soil as opposed to drain it, i.e., LC rotation for the most part.
I'd get as much lime spread asap and plant LC grains/clover no later than Labor Day. In my experience, low ph also slows down germination and early growth. I've found that clover will really grow as soon as ph improves. Oats and rye will grow in that ph although not like it will when improved.
Put all the lime on that you can afford and plant something. You will lose fertilizer value if you have nothing planted in it. Lime is much cheaper if you can get a lime truck into the field with ten to twenty tons per load.
I had even lower PH on my food plot trails last year. Even with very low PH my winter rye and oats did much better than I anticipated. I got decent growth from the radishes but they were mostly tops. The clover added to the mix has done just okay and I'm sure thats equal parts due to the weather we've had this summer and the condition of my soil. I've been very happy with the results and the knowledge that I'm working to improve my soil as I go. I've put down about half of the lime and all of the recommended fertilizer since then but still expect to be adding lime for years. I've got no complaints about the performance of the cereal grains though. I wouldn't hesitate to do the LC cereal mix if I were you.
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Your fertilizer and lime recommendations almost mirror mine on one property. Very close ! I added the recommended lime in March and last weeks soil test said I needed 1500 lb. more per acre. I'm gonna go ahead and add twenty sacks of bag lime at planting time. Hate the labor and expense, but I can't get a truck in there for that small amount.
Best time to apply lime was last year. Second best time is right now. Do not delay. May not help much this fall but by next spring you'll be glad you did. Lime for the clover--2 1/2 tons per acre. Trust me.

Looks like you're good on phosphorus which is, in my opinion, the hardest to deal with if you're low.
Do what you can. Plant the tolerant stuff until you get it all on. Watch the magnesium content of your lime.
Like "The LLC" says, focus on things that you "can grow", while your soil is getting right. Lime is a great investment

Applying fertilizer to an acidic soil can be a waste of money, primarily because most of the NPK does not become available to the plants you're trying to grow.
PH rates.JPG

Acidic soils.JPG