collecting scion wood

OK,Ive got a butt load of persimmons to graft this year and I have some friends to help and some to learn from.How long of a scions do I collect?What diameter is best(pencil)? and what time of year(now?) and where do I keep them once they are collected?
Wait til either Jan or early February to collect scion, pencil diameter of this year's growth is nice but you can potentially work with a little bigger or smaller but had to be this year's growth. Wrap in damp but not soaking newspaper or papertowels. Then store in a zip lock bag in crisper drawer til ready to graft.
Diamond Hunter,

We can help you out on storage if that works. I got my air conditioner yesterday for the walk in cooler. I will order my cool bot today.

My walk in cooler will be on line in a week or so. It is 4 feet by 6 feet and 75 inches tall. You may have plenty of storage room, but if not I am offering some assistance should you need it.

I collect new years growth and most average around pencil diameter. Some smaller and some bigger. You will be bark grafting so size isn't that critical. Persimmons are late in coming out of dormancy so don't collect too early. Here in Oklahoma I collect mine late February to early March. Persimmon scions store really well. I just threw some out a month ago that had been stored in the fridge since last March. The cambium was just as green as could be. I seal every cut end with candle wax. Put in a freefer bag with 1 or 2 fine mist of water. I don't wrap in a wet paper towel.