Wow, talk about pushing it


Active Member
3" Groups at 100 yards, I can barely do that with a rifle. I have a friend who owns one and has done it!! Found this ad in D&DH magazine. I guess this is an amazing xbow

I really think xbow technology is going to push themselves into separate seasons. 100 yard shots isn't bow hunting imo.

I agree,and those adds will help.When you are using a lower from an AR type rifle you need to be shooting it in rifle season.It's the manufacturers that keep pushing the states
I doubt most people can do that group in a hunting situation. At the range with a rest half of them still couldn't.
Isn't a 100 yard shot with an xbow more similar to a muzzleloader (old style) than a bow?

Maybe they should have xbow season(non handicap) align with muzzleloader and not bow season?

With a 100 yard range, I would think the success rate of most during bow season will be very high. May as well just open gun season imo.
Xbow is it's own season, they can shorten or lengthen it as they choose.

Personally, i would like to shorten bow season and add a primative season. I would allow long bows, recurve bows, but finger release only. Muzzle loader, but no scopes, no sabots, side lock only.
Xbow is it's own season, they can shorten or lengthen it as they choose.

Personally, i would like to shorten bow season and add a primative season. I would allow long bows, recurve bows, but finger release only. Muzzle loader, but no scopes, no sabots, side lock only.
Not in WI. It runs at the same time as bow. Not the same weapon imo
Although the better, high end, crossbows are capable of sub 3 inch groups, not one in a hundred shooters are.
I shoot a Skorpyd Ventilator. For target shooting, I mount a 10X Vortex scope on it. With a very good rest and absolutely no wind, I can easily get sub 3 inch groups. Of course, I have spent years practicing and tuning arrows. Each of those arrows, by the way, cost me about $50. For hunting, I mount a red dot sight on it.

Having said that, my distance limit on deer is 40 yards, max. A crossbow is a whole different animal when used in a hunting situation. It is cumbersome, heavy and only the best of them are balanced well. They are no more advanced than any other compound bow used today.

It's not the equipment that should be regulated, it's the hunter. I can hit a deer at 100 yards with my compound. Most people carrying a bow into the woods have probably not practiced more than a couple minutes a year with their equipment. All these fancy claims used in advertising don't help either.
I call bs Jack

Hitting a deer and being responsible for a killing shot is different

I can hit a deer too but no way would it be responsible for me to shoot at one. Sounds like you do

Advertisement stating shooting like a rifle to 100 yards is bad for our sport imo
Hunting regs should be based off the KISS method. Keep It Simple Stupid....
I say issue tags for appropriate herd management and allow hunters to kill them however they see fit for the entire length of the season. Want to challenge yourself with a bow. Go for it. Want to be as lethal as possible with a rifle. You should have that right. This would eliminate the pumpkin patch of hunter rushing to the woods during a short term firearms season. Do bow hunters (I am one) deserve months more of hunting season. I think that's a selfish mindset.. Similiar to the ideology that gun hunters shouldn't be aloud to hunt the rut. People justify this thought process by saying it messes up the herd age structure. Easy fix by amount of tags issued for example 1 buck per hunter per season...

I believe in seasons, wildlife conservation and most of all respecting the resources God gave us. I can't help to think this countries fore fathers would laugh at guys squabbling over methods one should be allowed to legally kill a deer! You think God thinks less of a man using a rifle to harvest game? I don't
This is all nothing but marketing. Driving that competitive throttle that tends to plague many competitive sports. Faster, further, higher, more, more, more......

This mentality is turning us from sportsmen into competitors.....turning it from a hobby into a true competitive sport......turning us against each will ruin us......if not from the outside, surely from within!
I'm familiar with the ravin and many other crossbows, i'm a firm believer that any crossbow or compound bow out can hit groups at a 100 yards with the right shooter, doesnt mean you should hunt that way. I stick to 50yard max no matter what arrow/bolt is coming out and even 50 is pushing it.
Plenty of guys can hit a deer at 100 with a compound as long as it holds still the +3 secounds it takes the arrow to get there. My deer don't stand that long very often.
The problem is Ravin is advertising this and we are 1%ers in the deer world guys. You think the average joe who buys his equipment the week before season is going have the same restraint to limit shots to 50 yards? I would bet not
Idiots will still be idiots, no matter what weapon in hand.
A co-worker recently went to a crossbow. He was telling me how he can now "knock em' down at 75 yards". I told him he was a fool and I was glad he hunts nowhere near my property. He typically only hunts for about 3 hours a year, so hopefully the deer lay low that day he hits his stand..
Wait until you guys see the new air bows that manufacturers are now greasing the palms of politicians to get approved. Guess we'll call them archery equipment too and all get behind supporting them in archery season.

^^^What Weasel said.
It's sad that it's just about impossible to explain the beginnings of bow season and how bow season came to be due to the hard work and dedication of the forefathers of primitive seasons, when so many can't even agree on exactly what the hell a bow even is.
I have nothing against crossbows any more than I have anything against rifles. But neither of those are actually bows, so why are they legal weapons during BOW season?
It amazes me how we contort our stance with "mind jujitzu" in order to rationalize why a primitive weapon is no longer sufficient for a primitive season. So we lobby politicians to legalize the new weapon that WE want to use. Instead of playing within the existing rules and boundaries, we demand changes because we don't like the current realities.
You want to hunt in bow season? Then hunt with a bow.
I assume you only shoot a traditional long bow and not a compound?^ Nothing primitive about modern compound bows.
It's all about killing more deer IMO. The DNR want to lower populations. Extending gun season is not popular. This is the easiest way

Be careful in not shoot too many does guys. It's a trap
I assume you only shoot a traditional long bow and not a compound?^ Nothing primitive about modern compound bows.
Correct. I shot compounds for about 10 years until the whole technology scene started going off the rails. 50% let off, fingers, and speeds that weren't much faster than my recurve that I've used since I switched to it in 1992.
This is like the frog in the pan on the stove. We've reached the boil point and we don't realize it. Incrementalism has taken us from a 50% let off to our current state of believing crossbows are bows.
Then we rationalize our choice of equipment. And the debate will evolve as quickly as our equipment evolves.
Airbows? That'll be the next debate. You can take it to the bank.
Bow season? I seem to remember something they used to call bow season. Technology killed it, though. RIP.