Worth the effort!


Active Member
Last night we had about 20 doves we grilled up, and although a ton of work, it was the best dove I've ever had. We basically breasted out the doves, took the individual breasts and butterflied them. Put a small dab of cream cheese, sprinkled some celery salt, tossed a jalopeno on it. Wrapped it in bacon and grilled it. We had three guys and an assembly line going, but was by far the best dove I've ever had. Everyone there agreed.
Love dove breast done just that way. Cream cheese, jalepeno, wrapped in bacon and grilled! Only thing I do different is marinate for a few hours in Allegro marinade.
Sounds awesome! I love dove cooked all by its lonesome not doctored up at all! So i bet its even better this way!!
Had dove shiskabobs on the grill for supper tonight. Marinated the breast meat in Italian dressing for a couple of hours. Then skewered them with slices of sweet red onion, green pepper and bacon. It was good!!