Went up to my Oklahoma property today and found these prints on the fresh snow right outside our trailer. Any ideas who made them? I have a guess but I don't like it...
That's what I was thinking but I was hoping I was wrong! It just seems odd the long claws but not really any heavy pads. But I have no idea what else would make prints like that.
Snow melt can make some strange things but I doubt that is bear. Usually see half pad on front and more large pad from rear. They will often walk with rear foot stepping where front foot was. Sure is a skinny ass bear if it is one. But aren't you guys in prime Sasquatch country?? Just sayin.
Lol, this is why I love this forum. Crows totally makes sense, didn't think of their wings making the marks. And there's tons of them all around. Haven't seen any sign of bears even though this is black bear country so I'm glad it's not that! Of course my family all joked that it was a Sasquatch that needed it's nails trimmed.