Who hunts mornings early season?

I hunt in a medium high deer population area and struggle seeing bucks and sometimes does in the morning early season thus I very rarely hunt. No reason to put my scent in woods
I agree with the majority; early season often isn't the best time for a morning hunt and I'd never hunt my best spots. However, if you have more hunting spots than time to hunt in prime time, early season mornings is a great time to hunt some places that you wouldn't get to otherwise. It's also an opportunity to try out or break in some gear, take a youngster along out, or just enjoy a morning in the woods. Hunting over acorns, and hunting fringes and stands you can get in and out of unnoticed are key early season morning spots for guys with sons who can't wait until November 1st.
I would think everyone's circumstances will help sway them one way or the other. Personally, I've always hunted with a hunt club and there were rarely any ag fields/food plots available to set up on so all of my spots were big woods sets. Morning or evening, it really didn't matter. I've gotten to where I prefer mornings though for a couple of reasons. 1) I tended to see more consistent movement in the mornings coming back to bedding areas. Evening sits were always hit or miss. 2) If i shoot a deer in the morning, I know I have all day if necessary to find that deer. I would think the probability of successful recoveries would be higher during the day than at night for a variety of factors but better lighting, less coyote activity, and the sheer amount of time spent searching during the day should sway the odds in your favor. 3) There tend to be less people in the woods with my clubs in the mornings than the evenings (not so much of an issue now that I own my own place).

Having said all that, I might change my mind over the next couple of years when I can figure out what the deer movement will be like. I will be providing some food sources that are not currently available as well as additional cover for the local herd, which should help dictate some movement. Only then will I get an idea of which is better on my own piece of dirt!
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It depends on several factors for me. Which direction the wind is blowing dictates the majority of it, having to do with ingress and egress. Food plots are another factor, and I see most of my plot deer in the evening near dark. I don't bowhunt until black dark because I don't want to shoot in low light .....too risky for me.

I like morning hunts both for finding deer and taking care of the carcass. It goes better in the daylight no matter your light setup. Also cooler in my region in the morning, and that's a pretty important factor. I hate to hunt and sweat.
I think property layout, stand access and the like can have a big impact on if AM or PM hunting is better....regardless of season.

In my area.....I have to cross wide open harvested ag fields to reach the cover where my stands are. Even with buffers and the like....I know I bump deer and the like in the morning. Evening hunts....not near the issue. The deer are further back in the cover, and not out feeding in those fields when I come stomping along.....as such I have more luck on evening hunts.
When I lived and hunted near where there were Ag Crops and the deer always fed in them at night, I hunted mornings a lot. Catch them on their way back to bedding areas.

Hunting here in Florida WMA's there are no crops and the deer do not react the same. They eat and bed wherever they want to, everything is the same. Add in a Food Source and things change. Here you can see a deer just about any time. I've watched a trail in the morning then met up with my SIL to talk things over and then seen fresh tracks on the trail that had to have been put there late late morning.

It really matters where and what your hunting area is like. High activity areas the deer tend to move way early while it's still dark and you won't see them anyway. Learn your area and hunt it accordingly.