Where does everyone buy their RootMakers?


New Member
I would like to try and start some oak trees in RootMakers this year. Where does everyone purchase theirs? I have been looking at the RootMaker Express 18s. Is this what everyone would recommend for starting oaks?

Welcome Stumpy to this forum. I have purchased my rootmaker express 18s from John at Big Rock Trees. He is a good man who happens to sponsor/ own another forum.

I have also purchased from some Greenhouse Supply Companies. Just do a search on an internet browser for rootmaker express trays.

The express trays allow each container to be moved from it's current location to any other location. When trying to light seedlings from the top, this aids in maintaining appropriate height of seedlings together.

Also, a specific container can be rotated 90 degrees, 180 or 270 in its current location in the 18 tray. Seedlings that are leaning can be rotated to help allow light to hit it or its neighboring seedling better.

Welcome & have fun!