What human scent do deer smell?

Can you please share your method of doing this? I hunt in southern WV and Eastern KY. As you said, very mountainous, swirling winds. Nothing I do works. I will try anything and this does make sense. I bet the Natives used to smell like smoke a lot.
Get a bee smoker on Amazon. Get some wood chips. Hardwood. Anything works. I like the sweet smell of applewood personally instead of smelling like hickory smoke. Set up a little enclosure/tent/portable closet and smoke everything. (To get the smoker going I use a small propane torch. Get a good fire going inside the bee smoker then put some fresh chips on, close it up and smoke away.). I do that one time at the beginning of season. The smoke smell lasts. I store everything in totes to protect from outside scents. I drive to my hunting location, take everything off in the black of morning and do the same process on my whole body, keying in on head, hands, groin, feet, pits. And smoke my clothes and boots as I put the layers on. Then I put out the fire (the smoker is hot so it doesn't go back in the vehicle.) and head out for the hunt. When I'm done with the hunt, everything goes back into the tote for the next hunt. I wear none of my hunting clothes or boots for anything but hunting. Google it. Scent smoker success. There are quite a few testimonials and picks to go with it. Good luck.
Btw, I'm not claiming this works every time, but I'm being honest when I say my deer sightings have gone up tremendously and that I've never knowingly been busted due to scent. I've even watched a mature buck walk right across my trail in, stop and sniff the ground and keep right on going through. That just doesn't happen otherwise, even with spraying down and all the rest. I'm sure ozone is a great tool as well, but for the cost of a $20 smoker and some chips I'm fine with the process.
Btw, I'm not claiming this works every time, but I'm being honest when I say my deer sightings have gone up tremendously and that I've never knowingly been busted due to scent. I've even watched a mature buck walk right across my trail in, stop and sniff the ground and keep right on going through. That just doesn't happen otherwise, even with spraying down and all the rest. I'm sure ozone is a great tool as well, but for the cost of a $20 smoker and some chips I'm fine with the process.
How many hunts before you wash your clothes and re-smoke?
How many hunts before you wash your clothes and re-smoke?

I smoke things up in the outdoor closet at the beginning of November (my farm sets up strictly as a rut farm so I only hunt the first few weeks of November). Then I smoke up before each hunt. I'll wash them after the season and go again the next year.
I still wash in scent free soap and do the scentaway deodorant etc. I buy a new towel each season that isn't mixed in the wash and pay attention to mouth hygenine, I take every precaution possible because I've learned the hard way too many times that deer have the most amazing sense of smell.
Well I previously posted that I had never been blown at after smoking up. That unfortunately changed today. Haha. I had a couple doe come up the hill using the wind and cut my wind. They stopped. The lead doe didn't like it and blew. Can't fool them all! (I was wearing a thicker coat and thicker pants that I only smoked up this morning getting dressed so I don't know if that affected things) i still could have shot her and a few other does this morning. Lots of movement. I'm back in the stand tomorrow for one more try before ky rifle season.
We got back from Ohio this evening and after using the DIY ozone totes, I can say that I am VERY impressed. We used to do our normal morning scent free showers, get dressed once we are at our hunting spot, and use sprays before and after we get to our stands. We then do laundry mid-week because we have sweated and stunk up everything we have worn the days prior. We still did our showers and getting dressed at the hunting spot, but we would ozone our clothes(outside) when we got to camp for 30 minutes, then in the morning when we were getting showers and such, we would fluff everything and do it again for 30 minutes or however long it took us to get ready. If your boots and socks smelled, they didn't after ozoning, we never got blown at by deer and on parts of the property, the wind swirled all day and we still saw deer. I could be sitting in the stand at 3pm after getting there before sunrise and move a certain way and smell the ozone "smell". Super impressed with it so far and we are already talking about doing a DIY closet for camp. The only thing I will say about the totes they bought, buy a foam or rubber seal to go around the lid to help keep the ozone in. We couldn't keep the totes inside and run it because the smell got out and we were worried that it would cause breathing problems and headaches like all the warning labels say. I'm not saying that a seal would have stopped it, but it would have helped.
Deer could care less about human urine and scat. Over the years I have bathed in apple juice and tomato juice. I have bought all the latest products, like Nose Jammer, and I still get busted!
IMO: Deer zero in on the smell of Human Sweat. Living in Alabama we have a lot of warm to hot weather in early season. Early morning the temps. are about 30° when they get out of their nice warm truck, they are either wearing the base lawyer of hunting clothes, or put it on and hike to their stand. A lot of time they begin to perspire. Deer zero in on that scent. Lots of our hunters ignore the wind, because we have lots of swirling winds, or it changes directions as it warms up. BUSTED...