The problem is "Horsey people" are assholes, no way around it.
Here's how to identify "Horsey people"
They will show up in a brand new F350 Dually King Rach, might have a color matched Ranch Hand and aftermarket wheels and tires, might not depending on how long they've had it. It'll have every bell and whistle known to man. If the trailer is hooked up, they'll swing in so the don't have to back up, cuz neither of them can do it. The trailer will be about 50ft long but only enough space for 4 horses max, the rest is living space/tack room, and it'll cost more than most people's houses. They might not have the trailer, this will come to play later.
He'll get out wearing brand new ironed Wranglers with enough starch in them to stand by themselves, a pair of square toed boots without a scratch or scuff on them, a bought belt buckle big enough to get old school satellite tv on, a starched and pressed pearlsnap in some God awful color and a Stetson that looks just like George Straits. Gold chain and flashy watch are optional.
She'll also be wearing a pair brand new jeans that cost about $500, square toed boots that may or may not match his, and her shirt and jeans will have enough rhinestones on them to rival any 70s country singer. Her hair(most likely dyed bleach blonde) and makeup will both be done perfectly cuz that's the hardest thing she's done all day. Her nails will be painted up and studded with rhinestones, and with a length that rivals a bald eagles talons.
In that 50ft trailer there's a horse, which is hers, and it's either a old nag that's meaner than a snake and has a buck that rivals a world champ saddle bronc but someone convinced them was a 1D barrel horse, or one that was once a high dollar, very well trained and well bred horse, but now is spoiled rotten and full of bad habits, but she thinks is still worth big $$$ cuz it's 14th cousins grandfather twice removed was a NFR semi finalist.
They'll look at the hay, pull some stems out, talk between them, he'll ask if you had it tested, then click his tongue and inhale through his teeth when you haven't "cuz Crosseyedjennyelmersalpo needs xx% protein, baled under a full moon and blessed by the pope himself". Then they'll look and talk between them some more, he'll mumble something like "looks like it's been rained on" when it hasn't, then she'll find some grass or tiny weed that she's convinced the horse won't eat, or will kill it (it wont). Then she'll pipe up that "that other guy had better hay for $1 less a bale" (he didnt)
So then finally you get down to dealing, he'll shoot a super low price, even though what your asking is fair, cuz "it really looks like it's been rained on". Then you'll haggle with them for a long time and finally come to a price that's lower but close to what you wanted but they'll have to go through it and pick the bales.
So after you've moved all the bales about 3 times while they chose, they'll go to pay you, hopefully in cash cuz you can't trust their checks. If they have the trailer cuz they're headed to a rodeo (always are) they'll want you to load it on top for them cuz they "forgot" their gloves. Or if they didn't bring the trailer they add that they want it delivered for that price, after they've already handed you the cash/check, and you'll do it because you never want to see these assholes as long as you live.
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