Warm Hunting Gloves Without The Bulk?

Cabelas 2000 gram boots and two toe warmers per foot. The trick is to put the warmers on top of your foot, not on the bottom. No room for circulation on the bottom of you boot but you have "head" space above your foot. The other thing is I don't tuck my pants in my boots anymore. It allows the heat from inside you boots to escape up your leg and your feet will not sweat as much! I also put my boots on the dryer every night so they are DRY the next day.

I found out the hard way for putting those warmers on the bottom of my foot, after a long day of driving deer and a lot of walking my foot was hurting pretty bad but your deer hunting so it can't be that bad, end of the day took my boots off and I had burned a hole in my foot. Some how the warmer broke and the magnesium powder stuff burnt a hole in my foot!!!! When the air hit it, you talk about pain. Never again

Sorry Deer Patch off topic but semi related

It may have not answered my question but it was very good information to remember. Did you have permanent damage to your foot?
I am in search of gloves all the time. Like I said my hands and feet are what forced me out of the woods many a time. 15 years ago I figured out the feet, 8 years ago I figured out the hands. But that doesn't stop me from continuing my search for warmer and better. First are my Sitka gloves!!!! But a close second right now is the manzella gloves I found on discount last year. Low bulk, warm enough with hand warmers and yes they have a "touch" fingers for you phone junkies. These have been a back up pair in my bag in case my sitkas get wet. Well last night was the coldest night this season 20 degrees and windy and sat for 5 hours. These gloves did the trick with no hand warmers.

I actually like the looks of the Sitka gloves but they cut the finger tips out of the ones that looked nice. Only if they would make them with all the fingers covered and leave off the touch fingers then I would be in business.
Since I don’t hunt in trees anymore a Coleman or Little Buddy heater keeps me warm pretty well all over. :)