Using one single spray for all your fruit tree needs


I'm an avid reader of outdoor forums and this first time I have posted here. I have been reading most everything Paul Knox has written, over the past few winters, and have adopted most of his strategies on my farm. I wish I had found this, and HT forums sooner, and I probably would have planted things differently.
I have surrounded my rye/clover and brassica plantings with fruit, chesnut and hybrid oak trees. I did attempt to search out and request disease resistant cultivars before planting. I also tried to research the best rootstocks for wildlife plantings. (Planting seedling rootstock, like Native Hunter suggests, would have saved me much headache and research). So instead of ripping out my CAR ridden Honeycrisp, Goldrush, RC gold and other apples, (planted on B118 and M111 rootstocks), I tried to find a solution.
I have been spraying my fruit trees. Something I tried to avoid. I have been using one teaspoon of pure neem essential oil and two teaspoons of Castile soap/gallon of water in my sprayer. I use this spray as a dormant oil, an antifungal/antibiotic, and as an insecticide. I spray the ground around the drip line, the wood and crotches of the tree, and the leaves, when they beginning to break bud. I spray about three or four times a year, at most.
I dont have pictures of my trees, before and after, but I will post my Goldrush after spraying this season. This tree was the worst of my planting I have had so far. It appears, from my novice prospective, the trees are also must be gaining some immunity. The CAR is hardly noticeable. The neem oil even works well after the Japanese beetles defoliate the leaves in early July, to regenerate new leaf growth. Both of my Keiffer pears bloomed, the initial fall, I had planted them and last spring there were ten fruit trees in bloom. None of these trees had been in the ground much more than a year.
I also spread milky spore bacteria under the fruit trees to help with the Japanese beetle problem.
I don't use synthetic fertilizer, sprays, insecticides or chemicals. If there are any others here, who feel the same way, I thought I would share what I use, as a non-toxic option.
I also make and use an "organic round-up" to spray around my tree plantings. I will post a thread on this, and its effectiveness, if any are interested. But that, is for another thread.
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You could graft different trees to your b118 root stock that are more disease resistant, couldn't you? Not a tree or grafting expert. I planted all "Liberty," or "Enterprise," on B118.
You have the expert in your own backyard

Check all of steve's threads/posts( Native Hunter) and you are good to go

And Welcome!

Thanks gentlemen and I have read a great deal of Native Hunters posts. Probably no better place to get information, than from someone who has seen that, and done it. I only wish I could have found his posts sooner and this site sooner.
What part of ky are you in? Have you considered top working those problem varieties to avoid spraying?
My farm is near the Mason/Lewis County line, zone 6a, in Kentucky. My trees look pretty amazing I think. Even the Goldrush is about 8' high and bigger than I can put my arms around now in two growing seasons. The tree has lots of fruiting buds this winter. It was one of the 10 trees that bloomed last spring and I expect fruits from it, and others, this year. The two year old trees have only been sprayed around eight times in two years. It appears the trees seem to be gaining immunity. I saw very little CAR this year, and no powdery mildew, even with our super wet weather lately.
I do plan to phase out the spraying. If my trees cant gain enough immunity and survive adequately unsprayed. I will most certainly graft them to better cultivars; but, as of now, being so close to having grown my own fruit, and the cost of the spraying being less than $50 in two years, I will spray all fruit trees one more year (at least) to see my own organic fruit. I also plan on spraying my American chestnuts. I planted them this fall. I have plans to spray these also with the neem oil recipe, to see if they can gain blight resistance. Besides, after tasting several Goldrush apples, I would go to India, to grow and press the neem oil, to spray my Goldrush trees, just to have my own organic fruit. That may be a slight exaggeration, but I sure do love, Goldrush apples.:p
I forgot to mention, I only spray the recipe, after leaf out, at sundown. It is reported, neem oil can burn the leaves if the sun shines on them. Spraying as the sun is sinking over the horizon has never caused any issues.
Screenshot_20190122-152949_Gallery.jpg This is the milky spore bacteria I spread under my fruit trees last fall, following the manufacturers recommendations. I hope this helps with the Japanese beetles next year. I will give feedback on this next July, after the beetles have usually defoliated the apple trees.