Here's the email I got today. Based on the reworked bit that I've tested on many species of tree, you are gonna like this drill!
Mine works great.
We wanted to reach out to you and let you know that the new Revised Treehopper Hand drill bits arrived yesterday. We are currently attending an Outdoor Show in Springfield, MA and are expecting to be back at the shop on Tues 2/26.
We made a couple of changes to the bits that'll allow for easier drilling and extraction: We introduced a more aggressive angle to the cutting lip, which assists the feed screw in pulling the bit into the tree and created a taper from 10mm (at the tip) to 9.5- 9.0mm (as you get closer to the shank). This will allow for easier extraction/ removal.
The new bits are an upgrade and there is no charge for bits or for us to ship them to you. If you choose to send the Hand Drill back to us we'll take care of the postage to return it to you.
We'll start to ship the new bits next week for those that are comfortable with replacing the bit themselves... It requires an 1/8" punch to back out the roll pin enough to remove original drill bit. There is a spring in the sheath over the bit that needs to be compressed and (with the assistance of the punch) line up the channel in the new bit to receive the roll pin and tap the roll pin back into it's fully seated position.
If you'd like to send it to us, please ship to the following address:
Mark Cama
Treehopper LLC
10607 Lithia Estates Dr.
Lithia, FL 33547
We'll do the exchange, turn it around the same day, and get it back to you.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate the feedback!
Please let me know if you'd like us to send new bit to you or if you'll be sending Hand Drill to us for the exchange.
Treehopper LLC