I got a half a dozen fruit trees in the ground today, while the ground was thawed, just before the rains set in.
Me, and my help, dug holes before stapling screen to the lower portion of trees.
I stick the trees in the holes and cover them, after the screens are put on, to avoid the roots from drying out.
We spread the roots out, add some soil conditioner in layers with our clay, top off the hole, and water the tree in, a couple of times.
I add a box, that we use for a weedmat.
Then we fenced in our trees.
Since I also planted about another half a dozen bare root chinquapins, I saved the rest of the work, (clipping the fences to the posts, one foot above ground), for next week. I will also come back later, to add about a pint of pea gravel, around the base of each tree, and some mulch, out to beyond the edge of each box.
Me, and my help, dug holes before stapling screen to the lower portion of trees.
I stick the trees in the holes and cover them, after the screens are put on, to avoid the roots from drying out.
We spread the roots out, add some soil conditioner in layers with our clay, top off the hole, and water the tree in, a couple of times.
I add a box, that we use for a weedmat.
Then we fenced in our trees.
Since I also planted about another half a dozen bare root chinquapins, I saved the rest of the work, (clipping the fences to the posts, one foot above ground), for next week. I will also come back later, to add about a pint of pea gravel, around the base of each tree, and some mulch, out to beyond the edge of each box.
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