Tips for Plant Diversity, Grazing Covers and ‘Resting’ Land for Soil Health

Glad to see you posting info like this! I'm ate up with it and approach plotting with less of a draw for deer and more of a soil health perspective. I figure if I can learn soil health then the plots will be attractive by default. Good to know that you are still making this available to us who don't really know where to look or have enough perspective to sift through the good and the trash.
Need to illustrate the difference between full plant rest and full plant recovery. With full rest, plants are allowed to complete a full annual growth cycle and mature (365 or > days). With full recovery, only about 20% of the plants are at mid-maturity (<120 days). For the animal, there is a huge difference in diet quality comparing fully rested vs fully recovered plants. Many deer landscape management efforts afford over rest....not full recovery. How many days of recovery does your deer habitat need?....<120 days for >35" rainfall zones IMO.