Active Member
I just thought I would update this thread. I wound up with 14 trees (5 chestnut, 2 persimmon, and 7 pears) that spent the summer in my driveway. I repotted the trees into highly specialized grow bags as seen in the photo below. The chestnut trees provided 14 viable nuts in mid September that I will try to grow next year. The late drop persimmon tree produced one persimmon that I feed to my dog. He approved of the taste. I didn't think the pear trees had any fruit, but a small pear was on the tail gate of the truck when I moved the trees last week. All of the trees were planted and caged last week. I was initially worried about the pear trees since I had not dealt with them before, but they were very vigorous growers with plenty of roots being air pruned in the shopping bags even sitting in my driveway in 90 degree heat all summer. I look forward to seeing what these trees will do over the coming years. I encourage everyone to not pass up a chance to purchase Chestnut Hill Outdoors trees if you see them on sale.

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