Well-Known Member
I have a .243 Tikka and with handloads it shoots ragged hole groups. I've only shot 3 boxes of factor ammo through it, but at worst it was just over an inch, so your 2 inch groups at 200 are roughly on par if we take into account the fact that there are other factors beyond rifle and ammo at play here.
The Tikka is the greatest quality rifle per unit of money spent. I had read about them when they became available in Europe, two years before they came on the market here and it was hard to believe the reports. I bought a .22-250 the first month they were available in the US and that rifle has had thousands of rounds shot through it with tack driving accuracy and not a single issue.
Yea, I have it shooting now. Last 3 shot group at 200 I could almost cover with a quarter, however big that is. The kid has a rifle he can grow up with now.