Spraying clover this late?

Revisiting an experiment from last summer. Clover looking good. Smartweed in hiding - so far!
The last picture, the one at the bottom has a wet area at the center. This is where smart weed gets its start!
IMG_0525.jpg IMG_0529.jpg
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You've got a fair amount of grass in the upper picture, that's just as much competition with clover as smartweed. I'd hit it with clethodim at this stage.
Grass or sedge?? Can't tell from that pic, but if it's sedge, cleth won't touch it.
Thanks! I need that....
Does this make you feel better about the "grass" (or is it sedge?)...
Longevity: Smartwed seed exhibits moderate persistance. It takes 4 years to reduce the seedbank by 50% and about 26 years to reduce it by 99%. In one study, 3% of the smartweed seed still germinated after 10 years. In another study 6% still germinated after 16 years.
Does this make you feel better about the "grass" (or is it sedge?)...
Longevity: Smartwed seed exhibits moderate persistance. It takes 4 years to reduce the seedbank by 50% and about 26 years to reduce it by 99%. In one study, 3% of the smartweed seed still germinated after 10 years. In another study 6% still germinated after 16 years.

It's grass. Listen, so far as the smartweed, a boy can dream! Now, I might be delusional, but I think where I can get the clover ahead (a head) above everything else the smartweed will assume it's still nighttime.

As far as weeds are concerned, my motto has been to keep me alive as long as possible, then hand them over to another generation.