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My son has to do a high school science project. He is going to test and see if size matters by testing whether larger acorns from the same tree produce larger seedlings than smaller acorns. Unfortunately the project is due March 19. He has a little over 7 weeks. I have some sawtooth acorns that I pulled from the fridge yesterday. Some of the acorns in the bag have already started to sprout, but we don't have enough in a small and large size class to start the experiment with acorns that have already sprouted. I have put the acorns he will be using on a heating pad for several hours yesterday and today. We will measure and weigh the acorns tomorrow night and hope to get them planted in small grow bags tomorrow night and then place them inside under some grow lights. My question for the group is whether there is a way to speed up the germination process? The acorns will be at room temperature along with whatever heat the lights produce. I will place the acorns very close to the lights to start off. I had hoped to at least get the trees through their first flush with leaves before the project is due, but I am little worried that we will not have enough time to reach that stage. I know that once they send a stem up above ground that they grow pretty fast, but I am worried about them putting down too much root and not enough top growth. Anyone have any ideas on how I can speed up the germination process? Should I limit the amount of potting soil I put in the bags so they can start top growth? The grow bags are about 3" in diameter and 4" in height. Any thoughts or ideas are welcomed.