deer patch
Well-Known Member
Who has planted soybeans with a No Till Drill and what success have you had? I know we are just starting to get into hunting season but I am already thinking about next year.
As a comparative this past summer I also planted a mix of beans, cow peas, sunn hemp ,buckwheat and sunflowers. They were fantastic and in fact are still going strong. As of now I no longer plan to plant straight beans but rather go with the mix.
Baker - is your decision to only plant the mix in the future based on soil building or observed attractiveness to deer, or something else?I've planted a lot with a no till drill. Success has been spotty. This past summer I planted early into good moisture and got quick germination. Then it turned cold and wet and the beans stalled. The deer wiped them out even in fields of 10 acres. Whereas in 2016 I planted beans and the weather worked perfect and my beans looked like what a farmer grows. Thought I had broke the code.
As a comparative this past summer I also planted a mix of beans, cow peas, sunn hemp ,buckwheat and sunflowers. They were fantastic and in fact are still going strong. As of now I no longer plan to plant straight beans but rather go with the mix.
Whatever I plant in the spring goes into a roller crimped thatch of rye and radishes.
I've planted a lot with a no till drill. Success has been spotty. This past summer I planted early into good moisture and got quick germination. Then it turned cold and wet and the beans stalled. The deer wiped them out even in fields of 10 acres. Whereas in 2016 I planted beans and the weather worked perfect and my beans looked like what a farmer grows. Thought I had broke the code.
As a comparative this past summer I also planted a mix of beans, cow peas, sunn hemp ,buckwheat and sunflowers. They were fantastic and in fact are still going strong. As of now I no longer plan to plant straight beans but rather go with the mix.
Whatever I plant in the spring goes into a roller crimped thatch of rye and radishes.
I & J dealer out of Kansas best I remember. I get get details if interested. Was easy to build attachment jig for FEL.Im sure you've answered in earlier posts,but.......where did you buy your crimper?
Was it difficult to adapt to the front end of your tractor?
A little bit of both but mostly because so much tonnage of food was created. That said i have found the sunn hemp to be a terrific soil builder adding organic matter and fixing lots of N. It grows 10-12' and very drought hardy. The cowpeas trellis up them creating a jungle. Very attractive to deer.Baker - is your decision to only plant the mix in the future based on soil building or observed attractiveness to deer, or something else?
So many great responses and great looking pictures. Looks like if a person gets timely rain this can be done with no problem. What row spacing does everyone plant at and at what pound per acre? I have several brands of no-till drills available in my area and all plant at 7" spacing but it is easy to block off rows if needed.
I learned a long time ago not to plant just one crop. Now I mix several types of seeds together and plant but it would be sweet to have a soybean field like Kwood posted.
Smallplot...I will be planting into my fall plantings which is wheat,oats, PPT, daikon radish and white clover. I have the capability to terminate if needed. I will do a soil test early enough to fix any deficiencies if needed which in the past my soil test show good results. BTW never heard of no till soybeans. Care to explain?
I think if you watch the video you will see the difference between two different planting rates. While the difference, to me is drastic anyway, they are the same beans just at different rates as a side by side comparison. You will see there is little difference in weed pressure but in pods per acre if you are wanting pod consumption it can mean a lot.Smallplot...Thanks for the Videos and the feedback. I knew about clover being a problem so I will check this spring before planting and will do what is needed. I take it you have planted for many years and have tweaked to 80 pds
I've had great success planting with a no til planter (not drill). I would venture to say the only difference is row spacing???
Wish I wouldn't have sold that thing with the farm![]()