Soil sample results ....


New Member
Im not well versed in exactly what these results mean but I am attempting to learn .....

An existing plot an an additional area that I am looking to clear this winter. PH looks to be pretty decent on both. P and K appear to be pretty decent in the established plot but both a little low on the new plot.

Anyone who is more familiar with these things have any insight? Things I should try and address ....

Radishes and Purple Tops will be going in one of the plots and I might try to broadcast soybeans in the other.

What type of soil are you working with? Obviously your pH is great and able to grow anything but I would concentrate on trying to improve the organic matter of your soil. Possibly a lot of sandy soil or high percentage of sand? Organic matter is like the glue in your soil that holds and binds all the soil together not only providing nutrients to your plants but also increases water retention and keeps all the living organisms happy.
Existing plot is pretty sandy .... new plot is a bit better. From what I gather the C.E.C. tells that story ....

The ground is river bottom WRP that was taken out of crops in 2004.

Ive put half hearted attempts into foodplots for a few years but have decided to get more serious this year. Opening up 3 or 4 more acres to bring the total to 6 or 7.

I do not have a planter but do have a disc, cultipacker, sprayer, mower and will be buying a 3pt PTO spreader.
True but as you improve the OM then the Cation Exchange will improve also! How can you improve your OM? Planting crops that provide green manure to your soil. In a sandy type soil the less discing you do the quicker you will be improving your OM. You might want to look into the "throw and mow" technique of planting food plots. Don't get the satisfaction of a beautiful tilled seed bed but you can still expect some great quality food plots. Lots of good food plot plants available that will help your soil and your deer!
Ive read a fair bit on the "throw and mow" and will likely try it on the sandier of the two plots. The plot has been disced 3 times in the last 10 years ive owned it. I mowed the tree growth about 8 years ago and have attempted plots 3 times since then.

Some years the river dictates what I will be able to plant .... its some of the lowest ground around and doesnt take a huge river to either make getting to the plot area impossible or put the plot itself under water.

Ive planted radishes and turnips for the last 2 years and even though the plot has only managed 40% or so growth (more weed control problem last year than anything) the deer have responded very well to it. I have extremely high deer density for the area and have daytime Plotwatcher pics of 30 or so deer in a 3 acre plot.

I enjoy doing it and decided it was time to put forth the effort to do it right .... soil test, weed control, fertilizer ....

I used to lurk on that forum that no longer exists .... glad I found this place to help me learn.
If you can get your hands on a drill. Soybeans with brassica, turnip, radish mix added in the fall would do everything you are looking for. A lot of county farm co-ops have them for rent in my area. Having gly ready beans gives you the ability to spray area then drill your beans. If the weeds get a jump on you in the summer you can always top dress with gly before you over seed with your brassica mix. If you have an area that the weeds are a major problem this might give you the advantage to stay on top of them with gly ready products. A few years down the road hopefully you have eliminated a lot of the weed seed and can go to any type plot from there.
Well welcome and glad you are out of the "lurking" stage! Good luck with your plots. You need to keep something growing year round. Buckwheat is a great soil builder as well as clover. Next fall when planting instead of a pure brassica plot plant a mix of rye. oats, peas, radishes, and red clover. The rye will scavenge nutrients deep in the soil and provide an all winter food source, oats will be a quick draw as well as the peas, radishes are a great soil builder and when they rot in the ground (if not all eaten) will improve the OM. The red clover will be the work horse the following spring and jump up early which gives them the ability to out compete later spring weeds. Keep it mowed if the weeds get too thick.

A mix is much better than a monoculture for improving your soil.
Unfortunately the existing plot (the one with 1.4 Organic Matter) will be under water at least once every year. Almost without fail. As I type this the river is projected to get to 20' in the next 48 hours which puts that plot about a foot under water.

The new plot is on ground about 7' higher and it will take a pretty big flood to get most of it .... might happen every 4 or 5 years.

And when they flood there is a current.

I did mix rye in last year but didnt this year .... I will look into some sort of fall / early winter type blend for this coming year on the lower of the two plots. No sense in planting something in the original plot that is designed to help come spring time because most likely it wont be there by then. Unless red clover likes wet feet ....

My county office just sold their 8' drill and now have a 12' drill .... I dont have enough tractor to use it. There is a thread below this one though about what looks like an economy drill from Rural King that might be an option in a year or two or just hunt around until I found a decent used one. I just bought a new tractor and the wife would kill me if I bought another "toy" right now.
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Ive owned the property since 2009 and with the exception of one year, my neighbor to the East has planted beans every year on about 80 acres that butts up against mine. Winter and spring floods ....
You have already been given good ideas. I think the ph can be deceiving on sandy soil. What stands out to me is very low OM. As said, if you can stay no or minimal tillage and plant green manure, you should with time improve that even with flooding issues. There are some clovers that withstand being under water as some have posted on the previous forum. You might ck in on Baker, as I know he has dealt with flooded plots especially this past year. Not sure your locale, but WW and WR do well planted late summer and may provide good attraction before your hard floods. Good luck, and you might just have to play around with a few plantings to see what does best on you sandy wet ground.
It's well drained so when it's not under water it doesn't have standing water....

The new plot is higher ground, richer in organic and not as sandy....But it isn't cleared yet. It's well drained too and with the added elevation I'll try beans on it.