That makes sense why I didn’t see the white flowers last year!!!
The entire field is covered in them.
I’m contemplating cutting them or just letting them go for 2 more weeks when I plant. I’m not sure how fast the seeds mature.
You can cut it before it goes to seed, and it's probably going to come back to some degree, but there are options to make it move out for good. Here are some non-lethal biological to change the environment that is
1. Increase your P availability. You can do this a few different ways, and P fertilizer isn't one of them. Get your pH as close to 6.5 as possible.
2. Get into an always green rotation. This will raise your mycorhizal fungi population and that is the way to get P made available in your soil.
3. Increase calcium. Wild carrot is found in low calcium situations, so if your pH is already right, use gyspum to raise calcium.
4. Reduce your iron availability. Increased calcium will antagonize iron availability, so gypsum can kill two birds with one stone.
5. Raise your soil K levels. Step 2 will accomplish this. High residue high carbon crops like winter rye are also good for mining a shit ton of K that stays plant available.
Actual action items
Low pH: Add calcitic lime, get rye in there and stay green
Good pH: Add gypsum, get rye in there, and stay green