shed time 2019

Managed one in spite of the snow on public land in PA on 2/16.
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Based on mass and beam length, he's probably 3, but sure not much to show for it.
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Picked up a few without looking too hard while working on my Ky place over the weekend. Definitely still some bucks carrying there.
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Thoughts on this one? I'm thinking a broken tine, maybe even a broken drop tine with the weird 90 degree bend.

I was suppose to be in north central Kansas this week shed hunting but the weather man last Monday was saying cold and snow, snow, snow this week so we re-scheduled to first of May. Then, of course, they changed the forecast. LOL. Maybe some will make it past the squirrels and other varmits til we get there. That is a nice one by the way.
What was cool though, the 8 pointer was at my feeder from around 11 to 12:30 am yesterday morning.
8 with both sides 3-14-19.JPG

Then he came back around 4:30 and stayed to around 6 before leaving---but with only one side.
Half 8 3-14-19.JPG

So I got to thinking where could he have gone for four hours. About 300 yards away is a wheat plot and I figured that was a good place to look----and there it lay, right in the middle.