Same Deer? 2016 to 2018


Active Member
So pictured is a Deer that i believe has been on my farm from 2016 til 2018 when he moved from my farm to my freezer. I am attaching some pictures from 2016 and 2018. I am not 100% sure it is the same deer, (if not it may be father and son). Gvie me your thoughts, same deer? age?
I think the top two bucks are different bucks. They're both headed the same direction but the top pic was taken a minute before the next one. He would have to have backed up to be the same buck, because he's farther from the cam at 5:56 am. As far as the black and white pics being the same as the color pics......not enough info to know. Poor angle to judge age by body signs for me.
I think the top two bucks are different bucks. They're both headed the same direction but the top pic was taken a minute before the next one. He would have to have backed up to be the same buck, because he's farther from the cam at 5:56 am. As far as the black and white pics being the same as the color pics......not enough info to know. Poor angle to judge age by body signs for me.
I'll have to hand it to you, you are sharp, a whitetail Sherlock Holmes if you will! But it does look like the same buck in pic 1 and 2. Do you think there's a possibility that he jumped back from the camera flash, then closed in again?
I think the second pic from the top and the color pics are the same deer, but the top pic is a different buck. I was wrong once, but momma whipped me for it.......o_O

I cooned down them pitchers agin, and it looks like momma shoulda whipped me a little harder:(:(:(
I think the top two bucks are different bucks. They're both headed the same direction but the top pic was taken a minute before the next one. He would have to have backed up to be the same buck, because he's farther from the cam at 5:56 am. As far as the black and white pics being the same as the color pics......not enough info to know. Poor angle to judge age by body signs for me.

A deer can do a hell of a lot in seconds let alone in an entire minute.
I have pictures from this year where he did the same thing, once he lifts his head looks like a completely different deer, then puts head down and back to original deer. Both his mainbeams anlge upwards more than normal, so looking straight at you or straight away looks smaller. I
compare the last 2 pic of the deer (not the dead pic), its like once he turns he looks bigger. It had me second guessing if it was the same deer or not, hence the post.