quick question...


Active Member
LC grain mix: Is this recommending both rye AND oats at these amounts, or is it rye OR oats at these amounts?

Winter rye 50-80#'s per acre (56#'s = a bushel)
Spring oats 80-120#'s per acre (32#'s = a bushel)
Austrian Winter Peas 20-80#'s per acre (4010 or 6040 forage peas will work fine for 1/2 the price)
Red Clover 8-12#'s per acre
Groundhog Forage Radish 5#'s per acre
Yep thats it. I do a little heavy on oats since deer like them and anymore the lower amount on the rye. It can get pretty thick following spring. My deer eat forage radish as fast as they grow but I plant them anyway even tho they have no chance for a 12" taproot. Also all you need to ask for on the Groundhog is a Daikon radish, there are several varieties with slightly diff prices all doing the same thing. Mine are called Jackhammer which my coop carries. Good luck.
David I had the same question about the grains and shared a couple conversations with him about it. He was in Iowa and expected the oats to winter kill. He was also dealing with a shorter growing season than we are in SC. He liked a heavy rate of grains and told me he could double the rate of grains if he was planting late and still get plenty of clover. He would always say he expected the mix would need tweaking to adapt to our conditions in the south.

I started planting his rotation in Farifield County in 2013. I've been playing with the rate and mix components a little each year, but looking back on my records the best cereal grain and clover mix I have had was this per acre rate:
50# cereal rye
50# oats
8# crimson clover
8# arrowleaf clover
20# Austrian winter peas
5# daikon radish
200# of 19-19-19 at planting and top dressed with 100# 19-19-19 at the end of October.

My notes at the end of the year were that the winter peas were a waste. Most of them were dug up by the turkeys as soon as they germinated. The few that escaped the turkeys were mauled by the deer in short order. I also noted about half of the oats seemed to winter kill (we had a few 16-17 degree nights in a row that February). The clover did very well.

I've always planted his brassica mix just as he prescribed it and it has done very well.
I have more time now.

Thanks for your time and input. Athens seed company has a decent mix. I am adding a small amount of raddish, crimson and arrow leaf. Also adding 20 more lbs of AWP.

My greens are in and doing well. With the cooler temps, a great thatch, and 1.5 inches of rain they really came up well. Hope I didn't plant them too early.


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I had to go back and re-read your post when I didn’t see any wheat, oats or rye germinating.
Those are your brassicas and I would say you are off to a good start. Timing will be good. I planted some last weekend and will plant more this weekend. As long as the army worms dont show up they will have some good size roots and bulbs before our first hard frost.

That mix from athens should be great. Are you planting 100#/acre or 50?

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100 lbs/acre. Plus an extra 25 lbs of grains (Iam trying wheqt/oats/rye in differant sections. Just want to see what happens to each.)

I'm amazed with grains. They are cheap, easy to grow, quick to germinate, take a beating from deer, keep growing, and in the end of early summer my deer eat the damn grain heads.

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If you are in a warmer climate where the oats won’t winter die then cut back the amount of either grain. That’s a good mix - the toughest problem with those blends is getting proper seeding depth with the different seeds.
Good luck
Love it when we start talking about Southern planting and praying for rain! I liked my fields heavily in Feb so anxious to see some good results this year. Had already decided to go heavier on seed and fertilizer rate